5 Clever Ways to Sneak Goodness Into Your Little One’s Diet

If you’re a mom of a picky little eater, we can imagine how tired and anxious mealtimes can get in your household! All that fussing and turning meals away can be exasperating, isn’t it? It doesn’t have to be that way; you know?

In fact, with a little wisdom, you can successfully get your picky eater, (perhaps aka cookie monster or French fry freak?) to start loving his fruits and even vegetables – no more forcing, no more wanting to tear your hair out at dinner time! Sounds good? Let’s dive into it, then.

Little children crave autonomy
Where food is concerned, children are always more open to choosing between two or more options, rather than being forced to consume just one. Hence, offering a couple of choices of healthy food may make a difference!

Combine new foods with old favourites
Kids are rarely open to trying new foods, especially healthy options. The trick is to pair them up with stuff they already like. Introduce steamed broccoli with their favourite dipping sauce, or, sneak in some chopped greens into their omelette. You can also try adding fruits they have never tasted to a favourite fruit cup, salad, etc – get creative and innovative!

Get them interested in food science
Watch a food science documentary with your little ones to help them understand what food does in their bodies, and chances are, they might want to try a new fruit, vegetable or grain out of sheer curiosity. This is also a great way to educate them about real, unprocessed food – where it comes from and how it got to their plates.

Let them watch or help out in food preparation
When kids are involved in the makings of their meals, they’ll be more willing to consume them too. If your child is old enough, give him simple tasks in the kitchen. Kids below two years can also feel involved in their food preparation by watching closely alongside some clever narrating!

Keep your pantry free from junk food
If there’s no unhealthy food to offer your child, the only choices will be the healthy stuff! This will be a fool-proof way to get little ones (and their parents!) to make better food choices and develop a preference for them too. Try taking your child shopping for wholesome, healthier choices for snacks. The choices available are quite impressive these days, with food brands all wanting to get on the healthy eating bandwagon.

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