6 Points To Remember If You Wish To Raise A Likeable Child

Ever run into children that just don’t seem nice at all? If a child lacks manners, consideration and communication skills, there could be a number of reasons behind this, but we think that poor upbringing may be the main cause.

A child with exemplary manners is such a joy to have around. What most people don’t realise though, is that such manners and politeness aren’t inborn qualities, for they need to be taught, and taught well!

1. Feeling loved and valued
A child who feels loved and valued is likely to want to become the best person he or she can possibly be. This actually begins from infancy, where a baby is more likely to be more attentive, more cooperative and happier when there is a certain feeling of security. So, even if showing affection isn’t really your ‘thing’, if you’re a new parent, make the exception of being affectionate with your little one from as young as possible!

2. Little ones are highly impressionable
Little ones are always learning how their parents handle their emotions, and how they interact with other people as well as how they behave. Hence, your actions are usually more persuasive lessons than anything you might say! So, make sure your little copycat has opportunities to see you doing positive things in everyday situations, such as thanking someone for a good deed or helping someone in need.

3. Don’t withhold due praises
Complimenting little ones on a job well done is far more effective in promoting positive values than berating them for their wrongdoing. Show your little one how proud you are of his or her actions—whether it’s telling the truth or sharing a toy—by offering praises where praises are due.

4. Teach them empathy
When a toddler attempts to comfort another child in distress, that’s empathy at work! It’s a trait that comes naturally to some children, but it must be nurtured. When you respond promptly to your baby’s needs, you’re actually teaching the little one empathy. Infants who are cuddled, loved and cared for—in short, whose emotional needs are consistently met—are likely to readily demonstrate caring behavior when they get older. By contrast, toddlers who have been abused may be more apt to hit a crying playmate!

5. Generosity
This is one of the many traits that do not come naturally and need to be taught, for young kids tend to be self-centred and preoccupied with their own needs and wants. With a little nudging, however, they can learn how good it can be to share things with people. When you contribute to a worthwhile cause, for example, or, help out a neigbour in need, you’re teaching your child the value of generosity.

6. Respect to be respected
A child who feels respected will know how to show respect to others and once again, being a good role model is a direct way to teach your offspring this amiable trait. Resist using pejorative terms when referring to other people, and don’t shout at, belittle, or criticize your child, even with pet names, such as “slow-coach” or “butter-fingers”. It’s also important that your child knows you respect her opinions, so allow them to express themselves, even if those opinions aren’t in line with your own.

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