6 Steps To Positivity During Pregnancy

Pregnancy holds its own set of challenges for sure but on the flip side, it can be one of life’s most fulfilling adventures if you allow it to be. Yes, feeling your best and being happy throughout your pregnancy come what may is entirely up to you, and here, we share some useful pointers on how to remain positive and cheerful during your special nine months.

1. Switch to a healthier lifestyle
Believe us, things can only get better when you do! An active lifestyle that is healthy and productive always does more good in any situation compared to being sedentary. The thing is, with most pregnancy, it’s easy to fall into the trap of laziness following physical and hormonal changes, and this, in turn, affects your mood and how you think (read: moodiness, feeling down, etc.). The good news is, a healthy lifestyle will help create a healthy mindset, so try making a conscious attempt to follow a healthy routine of safe exercises and also, switch to the healthiest diet you can manage, and soon you’ll be watching your mood improve by leaps and bounds. In time, you’ll be able to regulate your thoughts and moods and veer them towards a more positive side.

2. Pamper yourself
Seriously, there simply can’t be a better time to do so, so rest all your worries and indulge in some lavish self-pampering. Make a series of appointments for some prenatal massages (with your doctor’s approval, of course!), and make it a point to keep those appointments! It’s your right to look and feel your best, so go for it. Our only advice here is to do some prior research to seek out massage parlours that offer safe prenatal massages administered by trained staff and also, ensure that they use products that will cause no harm to your pregnant body. Once these are sorted out, you can lay back and enjoy those blissful, mood-enhancing moments!

3. Avoid negative-minded people!
Constantly being in the company of negative-minded individuals who have nothing but bad tidings to offer spells disaster for your pregnancy well-being. The same goes if you find yourself being in an environment that is laden with hopelessness and negativity. Sooner or later, all that negativity is bound to rub off on you, and that goes against the aim to stay happy and stress-free. Make this effort to weed out a negative company for the sake of your pregnancy and your baby’s health too, for it’s been proven scientifically that prenatal stress affects the wellbeing of unborn babies as well as their moms.

4. Avoid using harshness (no matter how you’re feeling!)
Keeping your cool can be challenging at times, especially when you have to contend with mood swings, morning sickness, an expanding waistline, etc, and while it’s all too easy to blame everything on your pregnant state, it’s never alright to treat others badly on impulse. Always remember that for your part, even the smallest of issues can seem bigger than they are due to your naturally increasing sensitivity and mood swings. While keeping calm and letting these feelings ride out and fade off is more difficult than say, lashing out at the spur of the moment, remember, it will save you from having to deal with the guilt of having treated others, including loved one, badly.

5. Ask help whenever you need it
There’s something about pregnancy that makes women feel like they have to somehow prove their worth to the world, and we’re yet to find out why! We do know however that this kind of self-burdening is of no benefit, and it can be quite a strain to a pregnant body to be pushed beyond its limit. So, ask for help when you need it and also, avoid declining offers from others who may want to lend you a helping hand with carrying stuff, cleaning the house, walking the family pet, etc.

6. Be yourself!
Nothing beats the feeling of being content with who you are as a pregnant woman, as opposed to yearning to be in someone else’s shoes! The little one growing in your womb is 100% dependant on YOU and no one else, so that already makes you special and important. No matter what your situation is in life, e.g. you’re having a challenging pregnancy, you’re a single mom, etc, the fact that you’re carrying an innocent baby and about to bring it into the world despite what life has thrown to you is reason enough to hold your head up high as a responsible, loving human being, so be proud of yourself and let go of any yearning to be as lucky, rich or as famous as anyone else.

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