Tenby International School Setia EcoHill
Tenby International School Setia EcoHill

Tenby International School Setia EcoHill

BEST International Early Years Education Programme (Semenyih, Selangor)

Every Little “Yes, I Can” Begins Here

At Tenby International School Setia EcoHill’s Early Years Centre, confidence is grown in a garden of curiosity and discovery, where children are encouraged to believe in their “Yes, I can” voice. This award-winning specialist centre opens up possibilities, showing that confidence is grown through encouragement, opportunities and repeated experiences, not just a natural gift. With a curriculum that goes beyond traditional nursery and kindergartens, Tenby International School takes learners on a journey filled with essential life skills. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, along with the transformative Learning First framework, is designed to spark curiosity and grow inner confidence, step by step.

In this vibrant environment, young minds are shaped through purposeful play and meaningful experiences. Learners’ days are expanded through opportunities, immersed in an atmosphere where their minds can explore, skills can flourish and pathways for self-exploration emerge. Each day is a journey towards broadening perspectives and developing lifelong skills. The centre’s play-based approach readies children to become the kind of thinkers who are ready to navigate leaps, adapt to change and chase their full potential, with a big smile.

At Tenby International School Setia EcoHill, welcoming children from 3 years old, every child is seen, heard and inspired to grow, truly embodying the spirit of the International Schools Partnership—Where Confidence Grows.

最佳国际学龄前幼儿教育课程(士毛月, 雪兰莪)

小小幼苗茁壮成长, 从这里开始!

腾比国际学校(Setia EcoHill校区)的学龄前幼儿教育中心犹如一座花园、一片沃土,在此学习可丰富孩子们的好奇心与探索欲,鼓励孩子相信自己内心的“Yes, I can”,让他们在自信的氛围中茁壮成长。作为屡获多项大奖殊荣的专业教育中心,腾比国际学校开创了无限的可能性,展示了学生的自信心并非仅仅是一种天赋,而是通过鼓励、赋予机会和反复练习逐渐培养起来的。



腾比国际学校(Setia EcoHill校区)欢迎3岁以上的孩子报名就读,学校重视每个学子、倾听他们的心声,并鼓励莘莘学子自信成长,真正体现了International School Partnership的核心教育理念——Where Confidence Grows。

tenby.edu.my/setia-ecohill | Tenby International School Setia EcoHill | tenby_setia_ecohill

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