Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain
Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain

Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain

BEST Nutritious Health Drink for Kids

Supporting Children’s Growth and Healthy Development

Now, more than ever, parents of young children all over the world are concerned about their children’s health, which includes their overall growth and development, and especially their ability to fight off diseases and viruses. Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain has cemented its spot as Malaysia’s No.1 immunity-boosting multigrain drink, due to its powerhouse content, the Elderberry!

Elderberries have been gaining recognition of late for being abundant in anthocyanins, the compounds that are scientifically found to be responsible for inhibiting virus replication and enhancing immunity. In turn, the chances of catching colds and flu are reduced, whereas recovery periods are also shortened to half the time! Anthocyanins are also 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C in defeating free radicals before they damage cells, thereby blocking allergies at the source!

As an essential multigrain for supporting children’s growth and healthy development, Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain has been successfully endorsed by over 3,000 customers. There have been reports of children experiencing growth of 2-5 cm within just 6 months! This is because of 50 key nutritional factors in Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain, including arginine, which help to promote children’s growth by aiding in the development of children’s bones and muscles throughout their entire body.



身在后疫情时代,全球各地的年轻父母比以往对孩子的成长与发育更加关注,尤其是马来西亚家长普遍会担心孩子是否拥有良好的抵抗力来对抗疾病和病毒的入侵。为了增强孩子们的抵抗力,家长们尝试了各种方法,终于找到一款能够提高抵抗力,孩子又爱喝的优质谷粮饮——Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐。

Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐内富含20种超级食物,无糖、无色素、无防腐剂,只需15秒冲泡,全家大小都能喝!凭借其强大的成分——接骨木莓(Elderberries),已经牢牢占据了马来西亚排名第一的提高抵抗力谷粮饮的地位,并且深获家长们的信赖!接骨木莓近来因其富含花色素苷而备受推崇,科学证明可以抑制病毒复制并增强抵抗力。因此,孩子们感冒和患上流感的机会大大降低了,康复期也缩短了一半!接骨木莓中的花色素苷的抗氧能力还比维生素C强大20倍,能在自由基伤害细胞前就将其处理,从而在源头上阻止过敏症状!

作为支持儿童健康成长和发育的关键性营养谷粮饮,Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐已经成功收获了超过3,000名顾客报喜说:孩子们喝了Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐后,短短6个月内身高就增长了2-5厘米!这是因为一杯 Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐中富含50种黄金配方的营养,包括精氨酸,可以最有效地让释放的成长因子帮助孩子构建全身的骨骼与肌肉,还为他们带来更多快乐和活力的童年时光。

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