Is Your Child Likeable?

All parents would want to see their children grow up with good life principles and ethics which will hopefully help them live a more gratifying life and also, make them more likable in the eyes of society in general. Hence, it is necessary to instill important values in our little ones, from as young as possible.

Being polite and having good manners
The importance of good manners and gracious behavior cannot be taken for granted, for they speak volumes of how a child is being brought up. Simple gestures like saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, and ‘excuse me’ go a long way in life, and they also keep kids grounded.

It’s sad to see how many growing kids today seem to be losing touch with simple values such as respect for their elders, e.g, their aunts, uncles, grandparents, especially when it comes to mannerism and gestures – things we tend to take for granted because we failed to see that we were taught those things when young. That’s right, we were not born knowing how to respect our elders!

So, remember to always guide your child on ways to communicate properly and politely with others, no matter who they are.

Babies are born innocent, not knowing how to be dishonest and untruthful. It is when they’re older and begins to communicate with others that they are exposed to dishonesty and lies. Sometimes, parents may even find it cute when a little one lies to get out of trouble.

However, it would not be cute anymore if lying becomes a habit, and dishonesty becomes a way of life!

Since there are so many factors that influence them, such as other kids, adults, certain fears, etc, you must explain the importance of honesty to your child. Offer assurance of your love and explain the best way that you can that lying is never right, no matter what.

Remember too, that how you handle or apprehend shortcomings in this area will make or break your efforts in teaching your child to be honest and truthful. A child who is fearful of the ramifications of his misdeed may lie to get out of trouble with his parents. So, if you need to, reevaluate how you handle shortcomings and keep communication lines open so that your child will be more comfortable to own upon any misdeeds on his part. This will help your child go down the noble but sometimes difficult path of honesty.

Encourage the habit of sharing
Today’s societies are made up of many nuclear families with a single child. Working parents, who do not have time for their children, try to compensate for it, in terms of material things. So, not only does the child gets what he/she wants, without asking for it, it’s highly likely too that the little one is not accustomed to the idea of sharing.

Not being open to sharing might lead to miserable adulthood, where one needs to make several adjustments and compromises to accommodate others in his/her life.

From as young as possible, encourage your young one to mingle with other kids who are less privileged, and let him/her share their possessions with them, or even donate some stuff to the less fortunate. This will go far in your quest to bring up a loving, kind, and compassionate child who realises that there is joy in giving and sharing.

Respect begins at home
If you and your spouse respect each other and the rest of your family, it will positively influence your little one who is learning and observing whatever’s going on in the home. Teaching your child about respect will help the little one observe and realise too if he is being bullied or disrespected in the future. Hence, since he understands what’s happening to him, he will be able to report the matter to you or his teacher. Also, it is important to respect your child so that in the future, he learns to respect others, including his subordinates and other people who are not his equals.

Being responsible for one’s actions
Inculcating this value during an early age prevents youngsters from developing into incompetent whiners who do not own up to wrongdoings but blame others for their mistakes.

Although this is one of the more difficult values to instil in a child, it’s still crucially important to teach a child to be responsible for his or her actions. As it may involve admitting to one’s mistakes and facing the consequences that follow, it will indirectly help your child grow into a responsible adult.

Let there be love
Love is the most beautiful value to instil in a child. It is very easy and natural to love the people who are nearest and dearest to us, but not everyone can do so unconditionally.

Teach your children the importance of loving others, as opposed to hatred. Teach them to forget, and forgive others for their mistakes, because holding grudges only makes life more miserable. Also, teach your child to treat animals too, with love and compassion.

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