Babymooning: The Ultimate Pampering Before Baby Arrives

If you’re pregnant and planning a getaway or even a short break from the norm, now’s the time, while it’s still possible to do so. Pamper yourself with these babymooning ideas and feel your spirits rise!

Sun and waves — fancy a beach getaway?
If you love the sea and sunshine, you may choose to hit the beach for a fun babymoon getaway. By the way, we meant that quite figuratively — reclining gently upon the sand would be best for you, mama! Spending time at the beach would not only be uplifting to your spirit but the seawater does wonders to soothe and support your bump too. Pregnant moms who love swimming can testify how the warm seawater eases those annoying body aches and pains as their bump gets bigger. The added benefits of fresh sea-side air are not to be disregarded here, for cleansing your lungs and rejuvenating your whole system.

As science has proven, sunshine is important for promoting the production of beneficial Vitamin D for the body, so spending a bit of time at the beach will surely help out there. Do keep in mind though that your skin is particularly sensitive to the sun during pregnancy, so be sure to slather on some sun protection. Choose one with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30, and re-apply as often as needed. Remember, sun protection products may not be effective enough to block out harmful UV rays unless they’re used according to instructions.

While you’re having fun in the sun, remember too to drink lots of water to keep hydrated. Keep in mind too that while spending time in the sun is healthy and fun, don’t overdo it, for extreme heat is harmful to your pregnant body. The idea is to feel blissful and not over-heated.

Image source: cafemom

Babymooning in the city
The urge to shop too strong to resist? Give in! A babymoon in the city may be all you need for the perfect opportunity to spend quality with your partner before the baby comes along. Plus, it’ll be a great excuse to shop to your heart’s content. All that walking as you scour the baby boutiques would be great for you to keep in shape and preventing stiffness. If you plan to go on a shopping spree, however, it would be best to plan it for some time during your second semester, whilst your energy levels are at their highest.

Shopping isn’t the only way to enjoy the city you could even play tourist for the day and visit the museum, for instance, and art galleries for that matter. The idea is to relax and enjoy the time spent with your partner. You can hardly go wrong with some fine dining in the city either!

If a babymooning venture in the city is on your menu, do be sure to pack the appropriate clothing for it, like a pair of comfortable shoes and clothes you can layer to keep possible fluctuations of your body temperature in check.

Take in the beauties of nature
If you find yourself yearning for some natural sceneries, do know that there’s something about pregnancy that triggers a deeper connection with nature and appreciation for an all-natural environment. So, there you have it — go out there and take it all in!

We’re fortunate that there are many lovely local nature spots where you can go to soak up some natural sceneries and atmospheres. In our local warm
and humid climate, you can enjoy nature walks or even a revitalising stay at forest resorts.

If you have your sights overseas though, don’t forget to pack the right clothes for the climate so you can enjoy your babymoon to the fullest.

Image source:

Enjoy a relaxing spa vacation
What could be more relaxing than being pampered from head to toe? Likewise, when we speak of such pampering, it’s hard to not think of a day at the spa, isn’t it? Firstly though, do get the approval of your doctor, and once you have that, book your stay at a resort that offers babymooning packages, for it’s usually a-given that specialised spa treatments are provided. They include wonderfully relaxing pre-natal massages, specially designed to soothe away the aches and pains of pregnancy.

Many babymoon spas also offer delightful extras such as manicures, pedicures, and facials at this time, which leave you feeling revitalized and beautiful.

As the concept of babymooning becomes more and more popular, many hotels and resorts these days are already including them as part of their package. Alternatively, you may ask for a spa treatment that is suitable for pregnancy. Among the well-rated resorts for babymooning are Pangkor Laut Resort; The Danna Langkawi; The Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort, Kuala Lumpur, and Tanjung Jara Resort, Terengganu.

Babymoon Cruise
Provided that the timing is right and your health allows it, a babymoon cruise can be a wonderful last getaway, with plenty of opportunity to relax in each other’s company and of course, enjoy loads of good food! It will still be limited though, by the stage of your pregnancy — many cruise lines will not take women past 24 weeks of pregnancy because they do not have the facilities to deal with any untoward incidents or complications.

Note: You may also want to avoid taking a cruise during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when you are more likely to feel nauseous.

Babymooning @ Home
If you happen to be facing budget constraints and still wish to have yourself an enjoyable babymoon (or at least the feel of one!), fret not! Who says you can’t experience a babymoon at your own home?

Think about it — A restful stay-at-home babymoon! It’s friendly on your purse, there’s no travelling involved and you can take it at any time up to the last week of your pregnancy.

Think “staycation” but treat it as a true vacation. Switch off your cell-phones, and tell your family and friends that you will be inaccessible for a while. That means ignoring the doorbell too! Hold all household chores and do whatever you like, as long as it relaxes you.

Tips for babymooning @ home:

  • Hire a maid to take care of the cleaning, laundry, etc
  • Eat out at local restaurants to avoid cooking
  • Order take out or arrange for catering service for your meals
  • Call a manicurist for a home mani & pedi treat
  • Call a beautician who does house calls for some pampering facials
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