Protect Your Family Against Dengue

Dengue has become alarmingly common among Malaysians that we sometimes forget how dangerous this disease is. The fact that it is caused by the bite of a tiny, elusive Aedes mosquito doesn’t help either. To top it off, even the healthiest of individuals can fall sick with dengue.

Image source: The Star

Favourable weather conditions, clogged drains, empty containers left around that collect rainwater — these are among the reasons why the Aedes mosquitoes get to breed easily and cause the dreaded dengue fever to spread. As it gets more difficult to control the breeding grounds of these killer insects when they’re outside our homes or in neighbouring houses/parks, it’s all the more important to protect your family members for getting bitten by them.

Precautions — Your best bet
As we live in the tropics and the weather conditions are close to perfect for mosquitoes to thrive and flourish, we’re especially susceptible to mosquito bites, including bites from the Aedes mosquito. Our Ministry Of Health (MOH) however, has given us adequate information to make responsible citizens out of us. It has become almost second nature for all of us to know the necessary steps and procedures to take to try and diminish breeding grounds of the Aedes mosquitoes. As a reminder though, here are the recommended actions to be carried out to rid our surroundings of Aedes breeding places.

1. Store away empty containers and cans.
Do not leave any of these items outdoors in the open, for they may accumulate rainwater. Take note that stagnant water serves as the best breeding place for Aedes mosquitoes.

2. Change the water in your plant pot plates regularly.
This will minimise the chances of mosquitoes breeding in them. Remember too, that you should also wash and clean the plates to eradicate mosquito eggs, or you might end up replenishing them with just the thing they need — clean water!

3. Loosen the soil from potted plants.
Water can accumulate on the surface of hardened soil, making it possible for Aedes to breed.

4. Change the water in vases.
Every other day, you should change the water in the flower vases. Scrub and clean the inside of these vases too. Adding the appropriate amount of larvicides into the vases will destroy the eggs before they get a chance to mature into killer adult mosquitoes.

5. Check for blockages in drains.
Clear stagnant water as well as fallen leaves in drains. This should be done every week. The leaves can cause blockage to the drain which, in turn, will eventually result in the build-up of stagnant water.

Warding off mosquito bites
No matter how many precautions we have taken to eradicate the breeding grounds of the Aedes mosquito, we can’t stop surviving mosquitoes from biting unsuspecting victims.

These tiny insects may even be lurking around your homes at this very moment without you noticing them! To avoid getting bitten, here are some suggestions:

  • Net up home openings. Place mosquito nettings on all doors and windows of your home. This will help to keep mosquitoes from entering your home.
  • Stay indoors at certain times. Avoid being outdoors at dawn and dusk which are the times Aedes mosquitoes are most likely to bite.
  • Cover up. Wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants and socks while you’re outdoors during peak biting times to prevent mosquito bites.
  • Use mosquito coils/electric repellents. These emit a continuous form of protection in your home and minimizes the risk of mosquitoes roaming around in your home.
  • Use a repellent on exposed skin. This is an effective way to safeguard against mosquitoes. There are many good brands of mosquito repellent in the market which are safe and pleasant to use. Some are even suitable for babies and little children too.
Image source: wisGEEK

When choosing and using a mosquito repellent, consider the following

Ingredients. Mind the ingredients used in your chosen mosquito repellent and make sure that there is nothing in it that a family member can be allergic to.
Instructions of use. Even the safest of products require that you read and follow the instructions carefully for the best results.
Reapply as needed. Even the best of mosquito repellents will wear out in terms of potency, so reapplication will be a necessity at some point. Read the label for instructions on re-application.

Featured image source: Adobe Stock

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