What You Shouldn’t Worry About When You’re Pregnant

As a pregnant mom, it’s perfectly understandable that you’d like for everything to go well during your special nine months, but don’t let that make you into a worry-wart!

Keeping your health and your baby’s wellbeing in mind while you’re pregnant is commendable, but there is a fine line between being responsibly concerned and having a tendency to worry about every single thing that’s going on inside, outside and around you. Here, we help you sort out some stuff that you need not worry about.

Image source: Cleveland Clinic

Your appearance
As long as you’re comfortable and presentable, it does not matter what you look like. No one expects you to be in high heels and full make up 24/7. You’re free to look and feel as chilled out as you want! Note: If you’ve been looking to the stars (read: celebrities) for inspiration on how to look like during your pregnancy, you might want to reset those thoughts.

Your seemingly insatiable appetite
The increased need for energy to support your growing fetus is bound to make you hungry, so don’t feel guilty if you have to eat more than usual to feel contented. The best you can do is try making the healthiest food choices you can.

Your increasing weight
Remind yourself that your body is busy performing a miracle and that gaining some weight is part and parcel of pregnancy, for everyone, not just you. This is no time to be watching your figure, mama!

Unsolicited advice
While we can’t possibly tell you to ignore family members who seem to derive pleasure from annoying you with unsolicited advice, nonsensical superstitions, and old wives tales, we can, however, remind you that you have the option of not taking what they say seriously or even politely excusing yourself from their presence and moving on.

How your baby’s getting on
Let the doctor take care of that! If there is anything to be concerned about, your doctor will advise you on what to do. In the meantime, you take care of yourself, for a healthy, happy mother is what your baby needs.

Your mood swings
Mood swings during pregnancy are brought about by fluctuating hormones and hence, they’re inevitable. So, why spend the rest of the time worrying about them when you can be going shopping, catching up with friends, or even spending some quality time with hubby?

What should and should not be eaten
You can generally eat whatever you want as long as your doctor does not advise against it. The main thing here is to have a bit of control when it comes to sugary snacks or foods with too many saturated fats. Think wholesome fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, etc. As for your cravings, go ahead and indulge in them moderately and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

About being a good mom
We’re not going to lie to you and say that motherhood is a piece of cake. It is, nevertheless, a joyous experience and if you’re fortunate enough to be on the way to experience it, take in all in your stride and look forward to it. Remember, many others would give anything to be in your shoes but can’t!


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