Tips On Bringing Up A Green Child

It’s never too early to start bringing up a green child. The best way to go about it is to lead by example. If your little one keeps seeing you separating the rubbish for the recycling bin, or declining plastic bags at the grocery store, or even picking up rubbish that isn’t yours for the sake of keeping the park clean, then he or she will in time follow suit.

Apart from setting an example, there are many other ways you can bring up a green child. Here are some of them.

Show and tell: Even toddlers can be taught to appreciate and protect our planet. Every time you take your child outside, let it be a show and tell session about the beauty of our environment — the birds, flowers, trees, the rocks, etc.

Explain your actions: Every time you take a step towards making your home a greener one, explain to your child about the steps you’re taking and the reasons to do so.

Teach them to appreciate their food: Taking kids to places like plantations and farms may give them a better understanding of where their foods come from and that food doesn’t just appear on the table.

Lead an active lifestyle: Bike, walk, and play in the park with your children at least on the weekend.

Drive less, go for public transportation: Ideally, cars should only be used when necessary; otherwise, show a commitment to using public transportation by taking buses and trains with your kids.

Get them interested in gardening: Through gardening, you can teach your little one about the importance of plants in our ecosystem. Children will also be learning how to work the earth and grow plants for food.

Promote conservation at home: Children will only know about resource-conserving lifestyles, for example turning off the water when washing the dishes and switching off lights when leaving the room if they are taught about the importance of doing so.

Featured image source: iStock

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