Preventing Water Hazards – Small Steps, Life-Saving Impact

Now and then, we hear of heart-breaking news of children, some even babies, drowning due to negligence of the adults who are supposed to be keeping an eye on them. This could happen anywhere, even at home! Wherever there is water, no matter how shallow it is, it’s important to keep a close watch on your baby or toddler.

Keep in mind that little ones tend to be top-heavy, which makes it easy for them to just topple over and fall into a pail of water, a toilet bowl, etc, and drown. Here are some important pointers every parent and childcare provider should keep in mind:

Constant and continuous supervision
When it comes to water safety, an adult’s full attention is needed so that a small child can be kept safe from drowning. Also, supervising should be done by an adult and not an older child who might be too busy playing in the water to notice if anything happens to the younger one.

Home isn’t necessarily safe
Bathrooms can turn out to be a dangerous place for a toddler to venture into unnoticed. All they need is to peek into a bucket of water meant for mopping the house, a bathtub that’s being filled or even the toilet, and they may fall in. Latch all bathroom doors when not in use and remind older family members to do the same. Ensure too that the bathtub is always drained after use as an added safety precaution.

The water around your property
If you live on landed property, it would be good to note and be especially aware if there are any drains, ponds or other bodies of water nearby. Take extra precaution to ensure that your little one will not be able to venture into these places.

In public swimming pools
Do not make the mistake of assuming that since there are many adults at the kiddie pool, all children using it including yours are safe. Little children drowning in public pools while playing with others are not uncommon, especially when parents take it for granted that someone will watch their child. Always keep physically close to your child to prevent any tragic incidents.

Take water safety precautions seriously
Water safety is just as important as any other safety aspect when it comes to parenting. Paying close attention to your little ones’ whereabouts together with close supervision during playtimes are crucial in preventing devastating incidents.

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