10 Good Habits Every Pregnant Mom Should Cultivate

Pregnant moms are vulnerable to a host of health issues, especially if they aren’t careful about taking care of themselves. Anything can go wrong, from developing gestational diabetes to food poisoning, and even having an accident that may result in a miscarriage.

While some unforeseen circumstances may seem inevitable, there is a lot that pregnant moms can do to keep themselves safe, healthy and happy throughout their pregnancy. In fact, if developed into habits, the following will go a long way.

Eat @ home
Preparing your own meals and eating at home will not only save you money, but you’ll also be in better control of what you’re eating. Go grocery shopping once a week and plan your weekly meals to include nutritious, well-balanced daily meals.

Stay well-hydrated
Don’t wait till you’re feeling thirsty to down a glass of water. Instead, make it a habit to have a few small gulps of water every couple of hours, or more frequently on hotter days.

Keep calm and breathe
Things are bound to get to you now and then, but it’s how you react to them that will make a difference in your wellbeing. Whenever you feel things getting out of hand, breathe deeply and remind yourself that this too, shall pass. And it will.

Stay moderately active
While it’s not advisable to partake in a full-blown workout, especially in the later stages of your pregnancy, it will serve you well to keep moderately active throughout your nine months. This will keep you fit and energetic, and not to mention, it does wonders for your mood too!

Have a daily dose of fresh air
The more fresh air you get to breathe in, the better it will be for your overall health. So, go ahead take a stroll around the neighbourhood park, or alternatively, open up the windows of your house and let in some breeze!

Keep every prenatal check-up appointment
Anything can happen during your nine months’ gestation, and in most cases, it’s always during a prenatal check-up where health issues are detected. If caught early, and coupled with good care and treatments, many of these health predicaments can be safely overcome.

Watch feel-good movies/TV shows
The last thing you want to do is to sit down to a depressing or sad movie and fuel those already out-of-balanced hormones. Instead, watch movies that will make you giggle and smile. Whatever that will lift your mood – do that!

Snack on the healthy stuff
There is no escaping from snacking, we assure you. But you can escape the consequences of unhealthy snacking by stocking up on nutritious and wholesome snacks instead, such as fruits, low-sugar granola bars or steamed sweet potatoes, just to name a few.

Take your prenatal supplements
Taking a daily prenatal vitamin can help pregnant moms get the right amount of the key nutrients needed during pregnancy, which include folic acid, iron and calcium.

Exercise control over your spending
It’s easy to overspend on adorable baby stuff in anticipation of your precious new arrival. But remember, you’ll be needing to use money when the baby gets here too, so go easy on the spending and start saving up your money now, for when you might need it the most.

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