PopoMama Confinement Meals: Just as Mum or Grandma would have prepared it
PopoMama Confinement Meals: Just as Mum or Grandma would have prepared it

PopoMama Confinement Meals: Just as Mum or Grandma would have prepared it

Confinement meals, both quality and meal type selection consumed right after childbirth are essential for mothers because this is a critical time where mothers should and must take proper care in order to provide and sustain optimum health and well-being for both Mother and baby.

Traditionally in Asia, Mother and Grandmother of the Mother in confinement would prepare these meals. However, during such times, not all of us are blessed with our Mothers or Grandmas at hand to take care of us during these special times of need.

Fortunately, we have PopoMama, Malaysia’s award-winning confinement food delivery services at hand!

We at PopoMama, designed by professional and qualified nutritionist and dietician to create meal programs. We specialize in a combination of modern and traditional meal options that focuses on Mothers’ recovery with the right amount of ingredients for the specific recovery objective yet ensuring the traditional, authentic taste of home-cooked meals are preserved. These meals are cooked using the freshest ingredients and premium herbs chosen in order to give the finest nutrition for women to speed-up their recovery and healing process in accordance with 4-Stages of HERSTM which is synonym to Heal, Enhance, Recovery and Strengthen, which is a gradual stage from one to another recovery program.

Therefore, PopoMama (literally translates as Grandma and Mother), specializes in providing authentic and nutritious meal delivery services for Mothers undergoing confinement at home, just like her own Grandmother or Mother would prepare for her, with the inclusion and understand of science! Besides, there are many testimonials given by Mothers in confinement who followed this program and shared with us their happy experiences such as overflowing of breastmilk supply for their babies which enable both mother and baby to have good rest! Mothers also stated they experienced smooth bowel without constipation issues and have more energy among many other experiences shared.

PopoMama operates the first and only Safety & Hygiene Controlled Confinement Food Central Kitchen in Malaysia allowing new Mums to enjoy premium, safe and nutritious confinement meals in the comfort of their own homes. Mums can now have peace of mind knowing their meals are prepared strictly adhering to the best hygiene and safety practices from kitchen to meal delivery procedure.

Here are some examples on how Mothers and babies can benefit from PopoMama 4-Stages of HERSTM confinement plans:

  • Labour and childbirth place our body under intensive trauma and can cause loss of blood up to 2 bottles of mineral water! Mothers can replenish blood loss through iron-rich menu such as Spinach with Shimeji & PopoMama Ponzu Sauce and Basil Meat with Ginger & Wine from our meal plans.
  • Confinement Mothers can boost energy and tonify qi through a balanced meal complete with lean protein, whole grain, healthy fats and fibre in accordance with Malaysian Ministry of Health “suku-suku separuh”. The recovery process is hastened through consuming 100% pure herbal confinement soup which is customized in accordance to mothers’ time and type of recovery.
  • Healing process is supported by high quality protein sources from fish, hygienic pork and antibiotic-free chicken options such as Steamed Grouper with DangGui & Gojiberry, Chicken with DangShen Lily Bulbs & Huai Shan and Bruschetta Salmon.
  • Calcium rich menu such as Braised Threadfin in Milk, Double Boiled Papaya in Milk, Stir Fried Capsicum with Chicken and Tofu and many more are designed to ensure both Mothers and Babies have strong bones.
  • PopoMama are all proud breastfeeding Mothers. Our meals are designed to boost both quantity and quality milk supply. For example, Omega-3 rich salmon and walnut can be found in many of our menu to ensure healthy baby’s’ growth and development.

Therefore, we at PopoMama, are passionate and happy to see every Mother and baby obtaining better nutrients and able to hasten their HERSTM journey. Hence, we are always at hand to make available scientifically proven confinement delivery meals which are both authentic and nutritious at the comfort of your home with your loved ones.

PopoMama Confinement recently bagged an award in the BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Award 2021 for the category of Confinement Food Delivery.

For more information, visit their website Facebook and  Instagram page.

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