AGT: Nurture by Nature and uncover your child’s inborn potentials

The more we know, the more we grow, and this applies to everything – parenting not excluded. Every child is unique, and it’s strongly believed that everyone has a potential to be the best version of themselves. The missing puzzle is to know what their potentials are. This statement was shared recently by Prof Liu Jianjun, the founder of AGT, pertaining to the brand emerging the winner in the category of DNA Test for Children in the BabyTalk & MamaPapa Readers’ Choice Awards 2020.

AGT was started off by a group of professional scientists who are passionate about human genetics and how it can be used to improve our lives. By understanding our human genetics, the applications are endless. As it plays such a tremendous role in the development of every individual, AGT wishes for everyone to be the best person they can be by first knowing their true inborn potential. “Hence, we were inspired to combine genetic testing and nurture by nature approach, to enable a better parenting decision and positive well-being of our future generation,” said Prof Liu Jianjun.

With the trial and error approach in parenting, children will end up being pushed to develop in areas that aren’t necessarily in line with their own true potentials. Although it’s done out of love, this simply isn’t realistic if we really come to think of it. Without knowing their children’s potential, parents may simply adopt a one-size-fits-all approach and do what everyone else is doing or recommending, missing out on knowing their children’s strengths as well as weaknesses.

The DNA testing by AGT aims to tap into the DNA within every person’s cells, and to uncover what they are gifted with (or lack thereof) through their inheritance. “What we seek to do is simply to make full use of the knowledge that is encrypted in our DNA and offer personalised approach to develop areas of strength and proactively deal with areas of weakness at an early age,” Prof Liu Jianjun graciously explained. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Everyone possesses a treasure chest, so we are all rich, but the missing thing is the key to open this chest, until we have the key, we won’t be able to enjoy the wealth we already possess. DNA testing, such as the Award-winning one by AGT, is the key to unlocking our great wealth of abilities.

Genomic insights are potentially transformative to education and child development, and everyone should have the opportunity to learn and benefit from the power of precision education that’s tailored to individual abilities and needs. Malaysian parents now generally understand how tapping into these new technologies can help children reach their full potential.

In reference to AGT’s big win in the BabyTalk & MamaPapa Readers’ Choice Awards 2020, Prof Liu Jianjun stated, “We are deeply honoured by this Award. We would like to thank our supporters of this vision to transform parenting from conventional to personalized. We are also grateful to our customers who share the same commitment to unleash their children’s inborn potentials by trusting in our DNA Tests.”

Prof Liu Jianjun went on to reveal that this big milestone will not be the last for AGT. The application of genetics is not confined to talent development alone. Hence, AGT is committed to develop tests to identify wider insights for a child’s holistic development. Up to date, they have recently launched their new Nutrition DNA test!

“Research is ongoing and our scientists are dedicated to improve and develop more useful DNA tests for children based on the latest genetic discoveries. We like to give our sincerest thanks to the many parents out there once again for your courteous support,” said Prof Liu Jianjun as his closing statement.

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