Adakah Si Kecil Anda Cukup Beradab?

Mengajar si kecil mengenai kesopanan dan adab terutama di zaman moden ini bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah. Majoriti ibu bapa berpendapat tugas ini semakin mencabar memandangkan pendedahan kanak-kanak dengan dunia luar dan ragam manusia yang semakin pelbagai. Sudah menjadi kewajipan ibu bapa untuk mendidik anak mereka bermula dari awal. Continue reading

Just The Two Of Us Flying Alone With A Baby

There are many cases when a mom has the opportunity to travel about by flight, either for a holiday or to visit relatives and friends, but would rather not because of her baby. While travelling alone with a baby might seem challenging to someone who has never tried it, it can also be gratifying in its special way. Here are some things to keep in mind if you intend to take to the skies with your tiny companion. Continue reading

Diarrhea In Babies And Toddlers

Babies and diarrhea – an unfortunate pairing but a common one. Diarrhea in babies needs immediate medical attention because a baby may become seriously ill once the symptoms advance into further stages. By adopting proper care and methods, diarrhea in infants and toddlers can be successfully treated. Continue reading

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