Love Smart For A Happier Child

All parents want to succeed in raising happy, well-adjusted children, but there seem to be much-contradicting opinions on what it takes to achieve this goal. Some follow scheduled feeds while others feed on demand; some immediately pick up a crying baby while others believe in leaving the little one to cry for a bit before responding; some believe that early education should begin at infancy while others do not. Continue reading

Hey, Big Spender!

It’s natural and it’s completely understandable that a new baby brings out the urge to spend money for all the best baby stuff you can get your hands on. However, if spending becomes overspending or turns into a habit, and precludes you from meeting other essential financial goals such as settling of debts and overheads, it may spell trouble. Continue reading

More Cash, Less Worries: Easier Ways To Make Ends Meet

Everything costs money and having a baby is no exception. In fact, as a new parent, it doesn’t matter if you’re working or staying at home, you’ll be surprised how your Ringgits seem to “sprout wings and fly away really quickly” as soon as baby arrives in the scene. Managing your finances is crucial if you’re to build a happy home, so here are some suggestions on how you can make ends meet more easily. Continue reading

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