Dealing With Oral Thrush In Babies

Ever wondered about the slightly unsightly white spots seen on your baby’s tongue whenever the little one yawns or cries? It’s probably oral thrush, a harmless and common thing in babies during their infancy. Problems may occur though when a baby’s oral thrush is passed to the mother’s breast through nursing. Continue reading

Screen Time For Babies And Toddlers: Yay Or Nay?

Whether we care to admit or not, babies today are not born in the same kind of environment they were back then. Instead, they’re entering straight into a world of digital devices. Parents today are tasked with the important duty of striking some balance to this — They have to navigate their way through this fact, specifically in figuring out what role these arguably important gadgets should play in the lives of their young offspring. Continue reading

Baby Sleeping Arrangements: Co-sleeping

If we were to go back to our roots as Asians, we might find that there was no such term as co-sleeping. That’s because babies always slept close to their mothers and there was nothing really special about that. Now that co-sleeping or putting baby to bed away from you have become items of discussion and debate, perhaps it’s time to pull out all the pros and cons for deliberation’s sake. Continue reading

Sun Protection Is For Everyone

Let’s face it, our country can get quite hot during the day, with supercharged sun rays shining upon us. While that may be a blessing for our laundry, it can spell trouble for the skin health of the young and old alike. Sun protection is crucial if we are to prevent health issues related to overexposure to the harmful UV rays of the blazing sun. Continue reading

Pregnancy & Pets

Our pets have every right to feel accepted, and loved by their owners and also have their presence acknowledged. However, pregnant women need to be a little more wary when it comes to almost all animals, particularly how to handle them during the duration of their pregnancy. Read on… Continue reading

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