Sing Me A Lullaby, Mommy!

A lullaby is a song that is sung to help lull a baby to sleep. Although it was invented for this, it’s also believed to have other purposes as well, such as to pass down cultural knowledge to the younger generations from their infancy. Lullabies are mostly simple in nature and they have soothing melodies about them, which makes them perfect as part of a sleeping time routine for babies. Continue reading

Increase Your Heme Iron Intake

Although it may not sound like a good idea to some, red meat consumption can be of great benefit to pregnant women, for they are generally in need of more iron for their increased blood volume. If you love meat, try some juicy beef for dinner tonight – it’s rich in iron and it makes a satisfying meal too. Continue reading

Prenatal Vitamins: Why You Really Need It

To some women, it may seem redundant that we should even mention the importance of proper prenatal nutrition. There are many pregnant women who also wrongly assume that their increased appetite will ensure that they get extra vitamins and minerals. This can only happen if you are sure that you’re consuming the right kinds of food, everyday. Continue reading

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