Kawasama: More than Just a Maid Agency

For most families, having a maid to help them with their household chores and tending to the needs of their dependants is no longer a luxury but a necessity. However, you have the right to be concerned about the maid’s reliability, quality of service and if she is a good fit for your family. Plus, hiring one can be a cumbersome process, and you can spend months trying to find the perfect domestic helper.

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Odyssey The Global Preschool Outdoor Learning Experience: For the play & learn experience every child needs

Outdoor play is an essential component of childhood development. It’s fascinating to observe children in their natural habitats, exploring their surroundings, being intrigued about what they see, and delighting in new experiences. They will always want to run about the park, dig and dump sand in the sandbox, and climb up and down the slide as children. It’s unfortunate that children are spending less time outside. Continue reading


给软绵绵的小宝宝洗澡可不是一件简单的事,更是让新手爸妈手忙脚乱的大工程,怕自己洗不好!无需担心,只要你按照步骤做好准备工作,提前了解宝宝洗澡的注意事项,最后选用一款婴儿专用的天然温和BZU BZU婴儿沐浴露,那么给自己的宝宝洗澡将会成为一个愉快的事,还能打造一个温馨的亲子时光。 Continue reading

The brightest future begins right here, right now

When we speak of early education, how early do you think we mean? You may be surprised that a baby can start learning before he’s even born – yes, there’s an excellent reason why some pregnant moms let the baby in their belly listen to recordings such as classical music! That brings a whole new meaning to early childhood learning. In any case, parents must agree that what happens during early childhood may affect a person’s entire life. Positive experiences during the early formative years help build a better foundation for a child’s future success. Continue reading

What every nursing mom should have on standby: 6 Best Lactation Snacks & Drinks

Breastfeeding your baby is indeed a joy, isn’t it? Just knowing that you are giving your precious little one the gold standard in infant nutrition, there isn’t anything that can compare to that feeling of contentment, hence, what a gift it is! But for most moms, there will be times when they’ll feel a need for a boost in their breast milk supply. During times like these, what can they reach out for? Continue reading

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