OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack

When you are a new parent, setting up your dream kitchen can be quite a challenge. For instance, you’ll have to be mindful of your kitchen space – how large or small it is. There are many considerations that you might have to make. Such as, the number of cabinets that you’ll need.  Or, how many cooking hobs can you install? How much cutlery and plates do you want to store? Continue reading

Bumble Bee Mattress – For A Baby’s Sleeping Comfort & Healthy Growth

Sleeping and napping are crucial for a baby’s healthy development.  Together with Getha, our country’s leading manufacturer of 100% natural latex foam mattresses, Bumble Bee mattress is designed to be naturally hypo-allergenic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-dust mite. Providing ultimate support for a newborn up to a toddler, it makes the perfect first bed for your baby. Continue reading

KPJ JOHOR SPECIALIST HOSPITAL: Ensuring the best experience and safety for you and your baby

KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital recently won the BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Awards 2021 for the Best Maternity Hospital (Johor) category.

There are many reasons for this. The woman’s individualized emotional support and medical care by the Obstetric Consultants, the midwives and para medical staff is vital for a positive pre pregnancy, antenatal and birth experience. Continue reading

热烈祝贺!Mommy Mansion荣获雪兰莪巴生区“最佳月子中心”殊荣!完善产后护理之家,伴你好好坐月子!

十月怀胎,何其辛苦,产后妈妈都要好好坐月、调理身子,因此选择一间优质、合适的月子中心十分重要。此次推荐以高票夺下《2021年度BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》最佳月子中心(雪兰莪巴生区)的Mommy Mansion,让你在坐月期间也能享有公主般的待遇。谁说妈妈坐月不能像个小公主?

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宝宝的皮肤特别幼嫩,除了要天天洗澡,还要勤抹爽身粉、润肤乳,新手爸妈一定要选择一款最安全的婴儿护肤产品来日夜呵护你对孩子的爱,在这里强力推荐凭实力连续获奖的BZU BZU家庭护理品牌,新手爸妈值得拥有!BZU BZU最近获得了2021年度《BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA 读者精选奖》的“最佳天然婴儿爽身粉奖”以及“最佳天然婴儿沐浴露(敏感性皮肤)奖”。 Continue reading

What you should know about Malaysia Toys online toy store today!

The current pandemic has changed the way we live our lives so much so that we’re starting to appreciate and reminisce about the little things we used to take for granted, such as the freedom to drive around town with our families, taking our children to the park, going shopping with the family, etc. Many parents are also beginning to worry about the impact this stay at home order is having on their children’s growth and development. Continue reading

Rafferty’s Garden Baby Purees: Because babies should love the taste of real food

“Love that it has nothing else in it apart from the fruit & veg!”

When a baby starts eating solid foods, it is definitely an exciting new page in life! This may take place anytime between 4 to 6 months of age, and most of the time, parents tend to start them off with a single pureed food at a time. As their baby gets used to eating, it’s not uncommon to find parents aspiring to introduce and offer all sorts of new variants of foods to their baby, not just to watch as they get their taste buds tickled, but also to provide the nutrients their precious baby needs. Continue reading

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