2021年才迈入下半年,爱心专业月子中心已接获喜讯!爱心专业月子中心一直坚持自己的宗旨和使命,为所有妈妈们提供最优质的坐月服务,因此凭借专业的坐月服务经验成功入围《BabyTalk 与 MamaPapa 读者精选奖》评选中,并荣获“最佳月子中心奖(蕉赖·雪兰莪)”。 Continue reading
2021年才迈入下半年,爱心专业月子中心已接获喜讯!爱心专业月子中心一直坚持自己的宗旨和使命,为所有妈妈们提供最优质的坐月服务,因此凭借专业的坐月服务经验成功入围《BabyTalk 与 MamaPapa 读者精选奖》评选中,并荣获“最佳月子中心奖(蕉赖·雪兰莪)”。 Continue reading
Being a new mom is never easy. Babies bring such joy, but who knew that such tiny little human beings could demand so much of your time and effort. But at the end of the day, it’s all totally worth it, isn’t it, Mommies? Speaking of effort, out of all the duties you need to carry out when caring for your baby, the diapering part is definitely the most talked about, and that’s because one mistake in this area and your baby’s skin could end up red and irritated. Now, that’s a heartbreaking situation, really.
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QB Natural Shop天然手工店不仅亲手为每位妈妈与宝宝打造意义深远的母乳纪念品,更首创推出流动的母乳纪念品。有别于大部分固体状的母乳饰品,QB将流动的母乳液体保存在饰品里,原创性独一无二、别出心裁。此外,QB Natural Shop也凭借优质品质及服务质量,脱颖而出,荣获《2021年度BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》所颁发的“流动母乳纪念品奖”。 Continue reading
Maternal love – there is nothing quite like it. A mother’s love for her child knows no boundaries, and it is reflected by the way she cares for her child from birth itself. BZU BZU, a family care brand famed for its quality as well as user appeal, highly advocates this special bond. BZU BZU, which is an award-winning brand, offers gentle yet effective skincare that benefits even the most delicate skin of a new-born baby. Continue reading
Clothing for a newborn is a huge concern for parents. Therefore, every effort is made to prepare for any eventuality and occasion. Shopping for newborn babies takes place frequently during pregnancy, often from the comfort and safety of home particularly during the pandemic. Continue reading
Postpartum care is a special time for new moms and their babies. This kind of care is important because it helps to protect both the mother and baby throughout the postpartum period. Medical professionals will be able to detect potential issues early on before they escalate and become life-threatening. New mothers are vulnerable to health problems, but postpartum care can help to protect everyone involved after giving birth. Continue reading
Remember being a child and feeling scared to visit the dentist? Well, there are actually many ways to look at this, but the route we’d like to take today is the one that advocates good dental and oral care habits from as young as when your child’s first tooth pops out. Why? So that your child will have far less reasons to fear visits to the dentist! Continue reading
The difficulties that working parents face when it comes to childcare cannot be overstated. Child care planning should begin as soon as a child is conceived. Stressful for many parents? Certainly! After all, you’re entrusting the most important person in your life to a stranger. Continue reading
Breast milk or formula is the primary source of nourishment for all babies. The vast majority will start eating solid foods by around four to six months old. Not all baby foods are created equal, so the type of solid meals you offer to your child is also crucial. While certain foods that you may offer to your infant have distinct nutritional benefits, it is also important to consider the impact that these foods can have on your baby’s newly erupting teeth. Continue reading
Confinement practices are traditional postnatal processes involving nutrition and daily routine that last 28-44 days after birth to assist mothers in regaining physical and mental health while adapting to parenting and caring for newborns. When in confinement, certain nutritional and hygiene restrictions may cause psychological anguish due to their low self-esteem, hormonal changes and limited freedom. Unsolicited counsel from well-intentioned family members and friends is commonplace for new mothers. It can be rather stressful, especially for first-time mothers. Continue reading