Everything A Mom Should Know About Swaddling Her Baby

Swaddling is an ancient technique of wrapping babies in a blanket or muslin cloth. Swaddling is safe if done properly, and the correct technique is important to avoid the risk of suffocation when the baby is asleep. We asked two experts about baby swaddling, and also to explain the importance as well as the benefits of swaddling. Here’s what they had to share. Continue reading

Baby Weaning Simplified

No one said parenting was easy, but it need not be all that dramatic either, you know! Parenting is nothing more than a series of learning curves to get past, and we learn as we go along, incident by incident, day by day. When it’s time for a baby to start on solid foods, it’s natural for parents to feel a tad nervous, for let’s face it – we never know what’s going to happen. Will your baby love their first solid food, or will they refuse it? Whatever happens, remember that tomorrow is a new day and you can always try again! In the meantime, here are some golden nuggets of wisdom for you in the matter of baby weaning. Continue reading

What Every Mom Needs To Know About Colic

If your baby seems to be crying more than usual, despite you ensuring he’s fed, changed, and comforted, chances are, he may be experiencing something called colic. It’s said that one in every five babies will experience it between the first few weeks of their life till about four to six months. Colic is an exasperating yet common condition characterised as excessive crying or extended and repeated periods of crying or fussing in babies who are otherwise healthy and thriving. Read on… Continue reading


A delicious and savoury food option, made with natural ingredients and appropriate nutrition to support the growth and development of children

NESTLÉ launches its latest addition, CERELAC® Citarasa Ibu™, allowing the Little Ones to transition into their next culinary experience, from pureed food to firmer texture and savoury taste — just like the family meal. Specially made for children aged 12 months old and above, this savoury food option provides a porridge-like texture with actual “rice crispies”, enabling the Little Ones to feel as though they are eating solid foods that are similar to adult meals enjoyed by their parents. Continue reading

Best Lotion to Use on Newborns

Every new mother knows that choosing a good baby moisturiser lotion can be confusing. There are so many types of skin care products available in the market to choose from. Then, when you realise the various ingredients that can irritate a newborn’s sensitive skin, the choice becomes even more difficult. Continue reading

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