COVID 19 Vaccination For Young Children: Is It Safe?

School-related Covid-19 clusters have increased substantially in Malaysia since the opening of the school, especially with the most recent Omicron surge. Most children who are infected stay asymptomatic, but they may easily transmit the virus to others, including those who are at higher risk of severe diseases. According to CovidNow, children aged 5 to 11 had made up about 10 per cent of the country’s total Covid-19 cases in recent weeks, and it is predicted that the incidence for younger children is likely to increase further. Continue reading

(Brand Story) Lil Unicorn: The Quality Education Your Child Deserves

A quality foundation ensures a strong, reliable building, one which will stand tall and proud for decades, even centuries to come. This principle can also be applied to the effect early education has on the lives of an individual. A strong foundation will ensure a better life for students, and not just during the duration of their schooling. On that similar note, a weak and faulty foundation, which is sadly what we’re facing today in our education system, would sooner or later cause a person to run into difficulties during their schooling years . This can be demotivating, frustrating, and a pain to undo. Continue reading

The AI-Cloud solution for home internet security and parental control

The rise in smart device usage in recent years, including among a new generation of children growing up as digital natives, has brought new concerns about internet safety in the home. In the last five years, the usage of the internet and smart home devices around the world has increased by 45% and in the wake of the pandemic, this number has increased even more due to growth in working and learning from home.

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Nutrient-Dense Food For Children’s Optimal Growth

Thanks to the advancement of technology in food production, we have a large array of food types for our daily consumption. With the variety of food available today, ensuring the right food selection poses a challenge, as the practice to consume nutrient-dense food is still relatively low in Malaysia. According to research on Malaysian’s dietary intakes in 2019, the Malaysian diet is relatively energy-dense and nutrient-poor1.

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Safely Deal with Your Toddler’s Cough & Cold at Home

Cough and cold (viral rhinitis) are the commonest infection in children and can happen anytime of the year. There are a lot of circulating viruses that can lead to this such as influenza virus, coronavirus (non-COVID strain) and rhinovirus, with the latter being the commonest cause. While cough and cold are a self-limiting diseases and most will clear up within a week, the symptoms can be troublesome and cause distress to both children and parents. Continue reading

Straight from the doctor’s desk: Test your knowledge on eczema!

How can I tell if my child’s rash is actually eczema?
Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterised by dry, itchy and red skin. Typically, eczema is found in the creases of skin in older children and on babies’ faces. Sometimes, it can be difficult to judge if a suspicious patch is a rash or eczema, as they have overlapping symptoms. If you suspect your child has eczema, it would be best to consult a paediatrician for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Continue reading

Odyssey The Global Preschool Outdoor Learning Experience: For the play & learn experience every child needs

Outdoor play is an essential component of childhood development. It’s fascinating to observe children in their natural habitats, exploring their surroundings, being intrigued about what they see, and delighting in new experiences. They will always want to run about the park, dig and dump sand in the sandbox, and climb up and down the slide as children. It’s unfortunate that children are spending less time outside. Continue reading

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