Category: Kids
Friso® Gold, made with NOVAS™ Signature Milk
Friso® Gold with high-quality NOVAS™ Signature Milk, farmed and formulated in The Netherlands. With naturally small molecules and soft structure, the newly upgraded milk with no added sucrose or flavour is Easy to Digest so your little ones can be Stronger Inside.
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Permulaan Hari Yang Sihat Dengan Minuman Koko OCOC
Baby Junior OCOC merupakan jenama produk minuman bernutrisi yang menjadi pilihan nombor satu dalam kategori keperluan kanak-kanak. Produk ini telah memenangi Angerah Nutrisi Terbaik Untuk Kanak-Kanak 2021 anjuran BabyTalk Award 2021. Produk ini diasaskan oleh Dr. Rizal Abu Bakar, yang ingin membantu ibu bapa bagi mengembalikan fokus dan daya ingatan anak-anak mereka. Continue reading
会玩的孩子更聪明!Mumu Alnico堪称是每家孩子成长期必备的木制玩具,培养专注力、创造力、协调力,你给孩子买了吗?
玩具是每个孩子的童年玩伴,也是孩子成长过程中的重要媒介。市面上的玩具种类众多,那么怎么样的玩具适合孩子呢?BABYTALK 极力推荐屡获读者精选大奖的最佳木制婴儿玩具奖——Mumu Alnico。这一款号称是精致木制玩具的爱马仕,让孩子在探索过程中能发挥无穷无尽的可能性,有了它,孩子就等于有了一整个宇宙。 Continue reading
Mellow Untuk Waktu Tidur Sempurna
Jenama pakaian malam bayi dan kanak-kanak, Mellow adalah sebuah jenama pengeluaran tempatan sepenuhnya, yang ditubuhkan sekitar tahun 2011 oleh sekumpulan ibu yang minat dan teruja mengenai fesyen si kecil. Dengan slogan, “Menciptakan Kenangan Waktu Tidur”, koleksi pakaian tidur kanak-kanak diinspirasi daripada detik-detik manis semasa ibu dan anak bercerita sebelum waktu tidur. Continue reading
Parents are raving about Lil Unicorn by Dwi Emas; Find out why!
What does the world’s best education system have that ours do not? For a start, we’ll have to first acknowledge that the Finnish education system is what’s known to be one of the best in the world, and if we want to make comparisons, well, here’s your benchmark, parents! Continue reading
Oliferin® PurEssence Plus: Safeguards your baby’s health from within
From the moment your baby is born into this world, his or her immune system will begin to strengthen and develop too. The stronger a baby’s immune system, the better off that baby will be in terms of health and wellbeing. A baby’s immune system develops in more ways than one. Continue reading
Lil Unicorn Academy: The power of entrepreneurship in early education
What should parents be prioritising in their children’s education today? It’s a rapidly changing world, and shouldn’t it follow that education should keep up with these changes, as early as the preschool years? Continue reading
Kidskool Child Care Centre: Where kids love to be
We live in an era of shared responsibilities in households, where more and more families need both parents to be out in the workforce to help with the household finances. What does this mean for families with a child or children? Continue reading
托儿中心是孩子开始集体生活的第一步,也是踏入教育的一个重要里程碑,因此为孩子选择一所优质、安全的托儿中心是父母的一项挑战。Kidskool作为孩子的理想教育乐园,多年以来好评不断,并成功在2021年荣获《BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》怡观园•沙登最佳托儿中心的称号。不妨一起来看看他们有什么吸引人的魔法吧! Continue reading