Adakah Si Kecil Anda Cukup Beradab?

Mengajar si kecil mengenai kesopanan dan adab terutama di zaman moden ini bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah. Majoriti ibu bapa berpendapat tugas ini semakin mencabar memandangkan pendedahan kanak-kanak dengan dunia luar dan ragam manusia yang semakin pelbagai. Sudah menjadi kewajipan ibu bapa untuk mendidik anak mereka bermula dari awal. Continue reading

Your Child Can Be Multilingual!

They say the best time for a child to pick up a second language is between birth until the age of 10. It’s because, during the first decade of one’s life, the brain is capable of developing language skills that can expand to accommodate more than one language as it develops and matures. Continue reading

Alternative Diet: Vegetarianism

Bringing up a vegetarian or even a vegan child is not uncommon. However, it’s also not uncommon for a child on an alternative diet to be undernourished, especially in cases where the parents themselves are new to an alternative diet. The key to proper nutrition, regardless of any kind of diet, is knowing what the body needs to thrive and which foods to include to get them. Continue reading

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