What’s Happening During Pretend Play
Children see, children do (or pretend to!), and it’s a sign of a healthy imagination. Read on… Continue reading
Children see, children do (or pretend to!), and it’s a sign of a healthy imagination. Read on… Continue reading
Children of all ages now, even babies and toddlers, seem to be more susceptible to digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Continue reading
Tired of purchasing endless art supplies for your little one? Well, there are ways around that, mama! Continue reading
Children of all ages need exposure to sunshine, for it helps us produce Vitamin D which their bodies need to absorb calcium for strong bones and teeth. Children love being outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, but they hardly know of the dangers of overexposure to the damaging rays of the sun. Continue reading
When you’re a parent of a baby, toddler, or young child, your pediatrician is without a doubt one of the most important persons in your life and that of your child. He or she is the one you rely on to make things better when your child falls ill, which indeed is bound to happen sooner or later. Continue reading
I recently met a couple with a 2½-year old son who voiced out their concerns to me that their son has not started talking. He has not uttered a single comprehensible word and he only uses finger-pointing and gesturing for communicating. Other than this, he had an uneventful birth history, is a very active and energetic toddler with normal physical development, and has no symptoms to suggest any underlying illness. What could be the reason for this speech delay? Continue reading
All parents want to succeed in raising happy, well-adjusted children, but there seem to be much-contradicting opinions on what it takes to achieve this goal. Some follow scheduled feeds while others feed on demand; some immediately pick up a crying baby while others believe in leaving the little one to cry for a bit before responding; some believe that early education should begin at infancy while others do not. Continue reading
Autism, also termed ASD for Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a condition whereby there is a breakdown in communication regardless of mediums, namely words, facial expressions, or gestures. Continue reading
What we teach our children and how they’re taught has to keep up with the times, and goodness, how those times have changed! There seems to be so much to learn and what’s more, little ones today need to know way more than we ourselves ever needed to as kids. Continue reading
There is not a parent alive whose heart won’t swell with pride when told that their child has such good manners. Unfortunately, qualities like manners and politeness are not inborn, for they need to be taught from a very young age. Are good manners disappearing from children these days? If you think they still matter, read on… Continue reading