Karihome Mama Milk

BEST Prenatal Goat Milk Formula

Complete Nutrition for Pregnant Woman & Nursing Mothers

The gift of good health is the most precious thing a pregnant mom can give to her little one, that is, by way of the nutrition she takes in. Imported from New Zealand, Karihome is a premium goat milk formula brand shared by Orient EuroPharma (OEP) Continue reading

KPJ Klang Specialist Hospital Maternity

BEST Maternity Hospital (Klang, Selangor)

Delivery Packages to Suit Various Needs

With honourable recognitions including MSQH; Integrated Management System (IMS) Certification; as well as Customer Service Management (CSM) Recognition, KPJ Klang Specialist Hospital stands out among pregnant women as the top choice of maternity hospital where they can deliver their precious baby with peace of mind. Continue reading

Lunavie Hands-Free Pumping Bra

BEST Hands-Free Pumping Bra

For the Ultimate Pumping Freedom

Nursing moms who wish they had a hands-free option when using a nursing bra while pumping already have their wish come true with the Lunavie Hands-Free Pumping Bra. This innovative design by Lunavie allows nursing mothers to use their bra while pumping up their breast milk, without having to use their hands to hold the pump. This simplifies pumping efforts, and also makes it easier to multitask and move around the house! Continue reading

Imani Hands-Free Breast Pump

BEST Hands-Free Breast Pump

Experience the Ultimate Convenience: Say Goodbye to Stress and Worry!

Introducing the revolutionary 2-in-1 Hands-Free Breast Pump by imani, the first of its kind with a patented design from Korea. This groundbreaking invention is the result of an impressive 7-year research journey. imani, a reputable South Korean brand, brings over 15 years of expertise in creating top-notch breastfeeding products and can now be found in 24 countries. Continue reading

Love U Baby Confinement Centre



怀孕是女人一生中最幸福的时刻,升级为人父母迎接新生命诞生的喜悦,也别忘了要追求最好的母婴照顾品质。位于霹雳州怡保市 的「爱你宝贝月子中心」(Love U Baby Confinement Centre),秉持着“爱你,当你是宝贝”的理念,为怡保市地区的产后妈咪及新生宝宝打造高规格温馨的产后护理服务,以真心迎接每个妈咪宝宝的到来,让妈咪度过一个愉快又享受的月子修养,休养以及调养假期。 Continue reading




孕妈咪怀胎十个月的过程中,经历了身体上的转变及不适,透过产后调理按摩,可让妈咪的身心都获得放松。J.A.N.E作为荣获产后调理按摩殊荣的芳疗按摩中心,护理师经验丰富、技术超群、服务亲切,为产后妈咪量身打造产后全身按摩、泌乳按摩以及子宫护理等,专业技术倍受业界认可,顾客回头率超高! Continue reading

Miia Beauty 专业产前产后按摩



我们相信:有健康快乐的Mummy,才会有健康快乐的Baby!「Miia Beauty 专业产前产后按摩」深知孕妈咪在怀孕期间和产后调养期需要特别的关怀与照顾,因此提供了轻松便利的线上预约产前产后按摩服务,让妈咪们舒缓孕期不适、产后调理身体,恢复孕前的健美体态。 Continue reading

Summer & Peach

BEST Confinement Pyjamas Set

The Most Comfortable Confinement Sleepwear for New Moms

Being in confinement may mean that new moms might feel a little tired or worn out, but it does not conclude that they have to appear drab. SUMMER & PEACH, a well-loved inner-wear and loungewear brand in Malaysia has made it their business to ensure that new moms look and feel their best with their exclusive line of Confinement sleepwear, including their comfortable, stylish confinement pyjama sets. Continue reading

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