Choosing Baby Clothes According To Our Climate

Choosing baby clothes is definitely one of the highlights for all new parents or parents-to-be. While there are all sorts available out there in terms of designs, brands, color, material, etc, one important factor to always keep in mind is your baby’s comfort. You’ll soon see that all else comes second.

We live in a predominantly hot and wet environment, and other than in rainy seasons, or if we are constantly in air-conditioned surroundings, the temperature is quite warm. Comfort for a baby means being in clothing that is does not cause too much heat or cause a baby to feel too cold. When buying clothing for a baby, ensure that comfort in terms of these factors is seen to first, before considering the design, pattern, color, fashion, etc.

Breathable material
Babies are not able to fully regulate their temperatures through sweating as adults can, and therefore, they need to be clothed appropriately to not get overheated. Choose clothing made of a material that can breathe easily, such as cotton. It’s not only the most ideal choice for babies, but it’s also the coolest material there is. Plus, it’s the most comfortable to the touch. If possible though, choose clothing made from organic cotton material, for cotton is, unfortunately, one of the plants that are most tainted with pesticides.

Fact on clothing color
Did you know that according to old folks tales, when a baby is having a fever, it would be best to cloth him in light or pastel shades of blue or green? Avoid bright glaring shades such as yellow, orange, or red, for they are believed to worsen the situation. Scientifically, it may actually make sense to dress a baby (or anyone else who has a fever) in lighter shades for a more cooling effect.

Cues from your baby
If your baby seems calm, sleeps well, and does not seem restless or irritated, you have probably made the right choice in his clothing.

Should baby’s clothes be snug or loose?
This is an interesting question, for many parents differ in their opinions. For one, if a baby’s clothes are too snug, it hinders proper ventilation, and the baby may end up feeling uncomfortable and stuffy. Clothes that are too loose-fitting may also pose a problem especially if they keep rising a baby’s little body. Fashion and design aside, the best way to dress a baby would definitely be in clothing that is just slightly loose to allow for comfortable movements and of course, some healthy ventilation as well.

Dressing a baby for outdoors
Being outdoors in our typical Malaysian weather can sometimes mean being exposed to the sun’s unforgiving rays. If you have to be outdoors with your baby during a hot day, do pay due attention to your baby’s clothing. Ensure that baby is dressed appropriately enough to be shielded from direct sunlight and at the same time, the outfit should not cause stuffiness. Long-sleeved clothing made from light cool cotton material will be the best choice. The choice of color may play a part too, for dark shades such as black or glaring colours such as red or yellow may induce heatiness, where else softer shades such as pastel blue, green, or even pink are known to keep a baby comfortable and cool.

How to tell if your baby’s clothing is uncomfortably hot
You can tell if a baby’s clothing is making the little one feel a bit too hot, for he’ll be restless, and may also seem to be breathing quicker than normal.

Mittens and booties
These have always been a part of baby clothing sets, although not every parent sees a need for them. Mittens are used mainly to prevent the little one from scratching himself. If you choose to put on a pair for your baby, do ensure that they are comfortable and not too tight. Ensure too that they’re made from cool, breathable material to prevent sweaty little hands. Booties, on the other hand, are meant to keep a little infant’s feet comfortable and warm. These two have to be a good fit or else it will beat the purpose of putting those on your baby’s feet.

Baby hats
It’s always a good idea to use a baby hat for your baby when taking him outdoors, even for a short while. The hat will provide some protection from the outdoor heat on hot days, and provide some protection from the cold outdoor air if a baby is out during a windy or colder day.

Give priority to lighter shades in baby’s everyday clothing
For your baby’s home clothing, it’s a good idea to keep the color choices within the neutral or lighter range for they are the ones that will keep your baby comfortably cool during the day, provided your baby isn’t in an air-conditioned environment around the clock. These choices may seem simple to the eye, and perhaps deemed not very fashionable to some, but at the end of the day, it’s still your baby’s comfort that truly counts.

Prevent heatiness from diapers
Babies are generally in a diaper all the time, hence their crotch area tends to feel hot and stuffy more compared to anywhere else on their body. Even on days that are not too hot, a baby’s diaper area may still feel hot and stuffy due to the layering of the diaper and shorts/pants. To prevent this from happening, choose pants or shorts made of thinner, cooler material. Whenever possible, especially on hot, balmy days, it’s alright to leave your baby pant-less with just his diapers – he’ll be much more comfortable.

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