Clever Parenting Tricks And Tips

Parenting ways have evolved with the changing times. While certain parenting techniques remain the same as they were decades ago, some have undergone vast changes compared to the past.

Here, we share some fool-proof tricks, old and new, that we hope will help you along the way.

Lotion Bottle Extender
If your child can’t reach the sink or water coming out of the tap, halve an empty lotion bottle from top to bottom and use one half of it to extend the running of water nearer to your child’s hands.

Fake Controllers
Playing video games but your child insists on wanting to play with you too? Give your child a controller but don’t plug it in and continue playing. If you’re feeling guilty of cheating, bear in mind it gives you a little time to relax with your activity without any interruption.

Bean Glove
Fill a glove made out of cloth with beans and sew it shut. Does your child need to feel your comforting touch to fall asleep? Well, if you have loads of other stuff to do, this is where the bean glove comes in handy.

Shoe Trip Storage
Make way for easier travelling with children on road trips when you place hanging shoe storage at the back of the front driver and passenger seats. Store juice boxes, toys, books, and snacks in the pockets to keep your children entertained throughout the journey.

Zip Ties
Instead of nailing baby-proof gates or other devices into an existing wall or area within the house, how about using zip ties to secure it?

Kid Mode the Devices
Are there plenty of electronic gadgets around the house? To allow your child to safely play or watch something on a smartphone, tablet or laptop, activate ‘Child Mode’ beforehand.

Pacifier cum Medicine Dropper
Cut a hole in the tip of a pacifier and stick a dropper through it to administer medicine. This has to be done before the child realises what you’re up to though!

Monster Sprayer
Does your child dread going to sleep in the dark for fear of monsters living in the cupboards or under the bed? Does your child refuse to stay in bed even after persuasion and opening cupboards and checking under the bed for ‘monsters’? Fill a spray bottle with water and label it ‘monster spray’. Tell your child to use the spray toward those creatures off!

Tracing Feet
Going on shoe shopping trips with your child might prove to be both tiring and nerve-wrecking. So, avoid that by tracing your little one’s feet on a piece of paper. Carry that piece of paper to the shoe stores and find something appropriate and fitting. Make sure you know what the store’s return policy is, just in case your child won’t wear it or if it doesn’t fit.

Cargo Pants
Tired of holding 10 different items when you only have two hands and a baby or toddler to boot? Get yourself a comfy but highly-functional pair of cargo pants. This pair of pants will be a lifesaver as you can fill its many pockets with essential baby stuff.

Baby Shower Visor
Invest in a good shower cap for your little one to eliminate unnecessary crying due to soap or water getting into the eyes and increase bath time fun for both baby and you.

Old Phones
Is a drawer full of old and unused mobile phones? Always a better option for children to play with till they demand functioning ones! Make extra sure that no parts come off though – battery, buttons, etc.

Chore Duty
It is never too late to have your kids learn a few chores around the house. Give your child a damp microfiber cloth and have them wipe down surfaces. It may not be a good job, but hey, at least you’re teaching the child responsibilities, and the child will also feel included in household activities.

Magnetic Cups
If your child keeps misplacing cups around the house and constantly asks or uses new cups, pick one cup and designate that to the child. Place magnets at the back of the cup and stick it to the fridge for easy access remind your child that this is their cup.

Sticker Shoe-Me-Right
There are times when your child might be confused as to which shoe goes on which foot. To make things easier, cut a sticker into two and place one piece each into the shoes. This allows your child to look at the sticker and remember which shoe belongs to which foot.

Plastic Cup Sparklers Protector
Celebrating the festivities with sparklers? If your child wants to hold and play with sparklers, use a plastic cup with a hole poked through to shield your child’s hand while he or she holds on to the sparkler.

Dotty Clothes
Does the laundry basket have similar clothing choices for all the kids in the house? If you can’t differentiate the outfits, use a marker, and dot the outfits on its tags. One dot for the eldest child and two dots for the second child.

Muffin Cup Saver
Use a muffin cup liner as the base while your child is eating from an ice cream stick to avoid spillage or messy hands and sticky situations. Just poke the ice cream stick through the muffin cup liner to ‘cup’ the ice cream.

Chopstick Game
Bring a pair of chopsticks when you’re having meals at a restaurant. Give your child one chopstick and tell them to use that to poke and eat their food. Keeps them entertained and the food goes into the mouth!

Run the Clock
Having trouble getting the kids to be ready on time or they’re in a fussy mood? Tell your kid it’s a race to dress quickly and the fastest dressed kid will get extra playing time as a prize.

Taped Speaker Toys
If you have plenty of toys with loud music or sounds around the house, use tape to cover the speaker. The sounds are now slightly muted and you will have less of a headache!

Bag the Socks
Don’t worry about losing socks in the washing machine when you place all socks into a laundry bag prior to placing them inside the washer.

Watermelon Strips
Make the process of eating watermelon easier but slicing it into smaller and thinner strips.


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