Deciding Factors To Help You Choose A Daycare

The high demand for childcare services has caused a steady rise in the number of daycare centres these days. If you’re thinking of sending your child to one, you’d probably be flabbergasted at the choices available. So, how do you pick out the place and how can you ensure that your precious little one will be cared for properly and lovingly?

One way parents naturally practice is by using their intuition, or gut feeling, to gauge whether the place they’re checking out is an ideal choice or not. If you’re still not sure which center to pick though, or you simply can’t make up your mind, here are some questions to help you make the best choice.

Looking from the outside, what’s your first opinion?
Consider the overall appeal of the building from the outside, even before you step in. This includes the area where the daycare center is at. This says quite a bit about the kind of place the founder or owner sees as suitable for childcare, and hence indicates a lot about their attitude when it comes to little ones’ well being.

Does the center look clean and appealing?
Resist trying to reason out why daycare is not as clean and tidy as it should be. This is not your home where you may allow it to get messy now and then, but rather, the people here are being paid to care for your child in a clean, uncluttered environment.

Is the place in good repair and well-maintained?
The physical appearance of a daycare centre can let you know how providers will care for your child. While some degree of harmless mess such as playdough on the floor can be excused, smelly toilets and leaky roofs, however, are red flags of staff that couldn’t be bothered with even basic hygiene. Strike it off the list and check out your next choice.

Does the center look safe and secure?
Coded entry systems should be highly favoured when it comes to security for modern daycare centres. There should never be things like broken playground equipment, outdated cribs, and the absence of child safety gates at staircases, for these are glaring signs that the safety precautions at that center are not up to par.

Does the center have the relevant state inspection reports?
It should, and these should ideally be posted on the wall and should be up to date. If there’s none to be seen, ask to see them.

What are the center’s emergency plans?
As your child will be with them for the better part of the days, it’s your right to know what they would do to keep the children safe in a variety of situations, such as a fire, break-ins, natural disaster, or major weather event.

Are the caregivers trained in CPR and first aid?
Accidents happen without warning and in many cases, the difference between life and death depends on the availability of good first aid treatment, so do make sure that the centre has that covered.

Are the caregivers trained in handling food allergies?
Do not give this a miss, especially if your child is still an infant who is trying out new foods. Food allergies can have serious ramifications for some young children and caregivers must know what to do in case of an emergency.

What are the center’s policies on hand-washing habits for the children?
Child experts have always been adamant that good hand-washing habits are essential in curbing the spread of germs among children. It would do little good if you are diligent about hand-washing at home with your child, but the daycare he goes to does not follow up.

What is the caregiver to child ratio at the centre?
This is an important deciding factor, for if one caregiver has to take care of a dozen little ones, you can be sure that the quality of care will be compromised!

Are the caregivers friendly and welcoming toward you and your child?
In this regard, you should also see if the caregivers are down on the floor with children, or do they appear standoffish and aloof? If the latter is what you observe, it could be a sign of discontentment or dissatisfaction with the job, and you don’t need such individuals in charge of your child, do you now?

How is the overall demeanor of the kids at the center?
Kids aren’t great pretenders, hence the overall demeanor of the children at the center can speak volumes of how they’re treated and if they’re happy to be there or otherwise.

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