Ear Infection In Babies

If your baby seems to be constantly crying for no reason, an ear infection may be the cause. Ear infections are very common in babies and it is quite easy to confuse all that crying and fussing for colic or some other discomfort. Read on…

Signs your baby may be having an ear infection
It may be quite challenging to determine the cause of a baby’s wailings if nothing seems to be wrong. Still, if your baby had a bout of cough or runny nose and suddenly develops a fever three to five days later, an ear infection is quite likely to follow. Check to see if your little one:

  • is pulling at his ear
  • seems unwell and quieter than usual, when he’s not crying, that is
  • is not responding when you call, due to the fact that hearing may be difficult
  • is crying louder than usual
  • pulls away from your breast or bottle during nursing (swallowing during an ear infection can be painful)

The cause
If your baby has a cold, it will cause the middle ear to become swollen. This swelling in the middle ear tends to trap fluid inside the ear and this creates an ideal environment for bacteria and viruses to spread.

As a bacterial infection sets in, pus develops, placing pressure on your baby’s eardrum while causing it to bulge and become inflamed. Your baby may then get a fever — the body’s natural mechanism to fight the infection. This type of ear infection is called acute otitis media.

Take your baby to the doctor if you think it could be an ear infection. Many ear infections get better on their own, but your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Your baby’s ear should start to improve in three or four days, with or without antibiotics.

Short Middle Tube
A baby may also be susceptible to ear infections if the tube in the middle ear is short and horizontal while it’s still at a developing stage. As the baby grows up, the tube will triple in length from 1.25cm to 3.8cm and become more vertical, reducing the chance of infection.

How can I comfort my baby?
Follow these steps to keep your baby comfortable and speed up recovery:

  • Make sure your baby gets plenty of rest.
  • If it is painful for your baby to eat or drink, offer smaller portions more often.
  • You can give your baby a dose of infant fever medication if there is a fever over 38.5 degrees Celsius. This will help to reduce the fever and ease the pain and discomfort.
  • Take a baby under three months old to the doctor on the first day of a fever.
  • Babies six months and younger should be seen by a doctor for a fever.
  • Always check the dosage information on medication bottles, or ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re unsure about how much to give your baby.

Pus oozing out of baby’s ear
Pus or bloody-yellowish fluid coming out of your baby’s ear means a small hole has developed in the eardrum. This should heal by itself within about two weeks, but call your doctor to get it checked out.

Preventing ear infection in babies and young children
There are some things you can do to help prevent your baby from getting an ear infection:

  • Be prompt about baby’s vaccinations. The Hib B and the Pneumococcal vaccines are especially important for preventing ear infections.
  • Hold your baby up during a feed (not flat on the back).
  • Breastfeed your baby often! Breast-milk is full of antibodies that can help baby fight infections.
  • Don’t smoke or allow anyone else to smoke around your baby.
  • Try not to leave your infant in daycare till he or she is at least one year old. Daycare centres can expose a baby to other kids’ coughs and colds, which can lead to more frequent ear infections.

What to do if there’s no improvement
If your baby’s ear infection hasn’t improved after four days, ask your doctor to take a closer look. Your baby could have a more serious condition that may cause damage to the eardrum. Sometimes, this may even lead to hearing impairment.

In rare cases, recurring ear infections may lead to hearing loss and scarring inside the affected ear. It’s important to treat a baby’s ear infection early to stop it from getting worse.

Featured image source: www.bravecare.com

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