Have A Fun-filled 9 Months!

So, you’re pregnant? Our heartiest congratulations! For the next 40 weeks or less, you may find yourself getting rounder, wider and heavier, but you’ll also have the best gift ever at the end of your pregnancy — your baby!

So, in the meantime, here are some ways to fill up your days with fun while you await the arrival of your precious newborn.

Rediscover yourself!
As your body undergoes all sorts of physical changes, like widening hips and an expanding waistline, not to mention an ever-growing baby bump, you may begin to feel a little down, especially when you no longer can fit comfortably in your favourite clothes. What to do? Get new favourites, that’s what! When the thought of dressing begins to get depressing, it’s time for a wardrobe makeover!

Shop for maternity wear that flatter your body shape, but remember, be realistic about your steadily expanding anatomy, for, after all, you’re pregnant.

You might also want to consider a makeover to lift your spirits — New makeup, a new hairdo, manicure & pedicure, etc. The idea is to look and feel your best, so, indulge in some new jewelry and a new perfume too, if you think it will help you feel more alive!

Have fun with your girlfriends
When hubby is out at work and you’re home alone, it can get pretty lonely sometimes. Now and then, take the initiative to call up a girlfriend or two and just go out. At times, just having some compatible company to share some conversation (and giggles!) can be so very refreshing to a pregnant mama. If your friends insist on treating you like a fragile being, here’s a little secret: let them! Remember, it’s not every time that a girl gets to feel so special among her friends!

Start a scrapbook of your pregnancy
How about immortalising some precious moments of your pregnancy via a scrapbook? It’s way more exciting than keeping a diary!

For one, and you can scrapbook almost anything you fancy from your test kit with the positive sign, the receipt from the celebratory dinner you had with hubby when you first found out you were pregnant, photos of your first ultrasound, and practically anything else that you can think of. Choose a book with strong, thick pages that will not tear easily. Look around for a design that feels right for you, one which you will feel inspired to use and fill up with all sorts of memorable stuff. Keeping a scrapbook is exactly the kind of stuff worth engaging in, for sometime in the future, when your child is all grown up, you’ll be able to look back fondly at some of these cherished moments in your life!

Make some new friends!
No one is so rich as to not need a friend or two. Furthermore, in this age of scattered families, you may not have that many relatives close by to reminisce with. If you are lucky enough to have friends who are not pregnant yet are able to relate to every single thing that is happening in your life, count your lucky stars! If not, getting to know other mums-to-be can be a great way to get some support and share your experiences.

Try signing up for an antenatal class or even a yoga class for pregnant women. You’ll surely get to meet many others you can relate to, share ideas, exchange tips, and just chill out with.

Keep the flame of romance alive!
Once pregnant, many women seem to think that they’re physically not attractive enough to initiate anything romantic with their partners. Mostly, it stems from their self-consciousness about the changes taking place with their bodies and how different they look compared to when they were not pregnant. Interestingly enough though, most men seem to think that their wives look most adorable, when they’re pregnant, regardless of their expanding waistlines and all! Now, while we’re not hinting that you wait half-naked for hubby to return home from work (but hey, if you feel like it, go ahead!), it’s good though to try to keep the romance alive even though you’re preggers. The idea is to be able to spend some quality time together! Plan a lunch or dinner date for the two of you once a week. Doll up specially for the occasion and pay your spouse all the attention you can, for it’ll be a tad difficult to do so when your bundle of joy arrives!

Image source: Shutterstock

Retail therapy — works every time!
Get a pen and write down some nice things you would like to get for yourself. If you’re yearning for some comfy footwear perhaps, some lovely scented bath care, new sleepwear, new bedsheets, etc, go on a shopping outing and get them! Let this shopping trip be all about making yourself happy! You can also shop for maternity lingerie for your expanding assets and anything else that your little heart desires. Don’t forget a trip to the supermarket section for your favourite snacks and comfort foods! If you have a super-long list, spread out the items for a few shopping trips.

Have photos taken!
Having some professional photos taken of the ‘three’ of you will provide some lovely keepsakes of your pregnancy. You can also have pictures taken of your growing belly, either once a month or once a trimester. Tip: Take the pics at the same angle every time to see the changes taking place. How wonderful to be able to share these with your kids and other family members someday in the future. Alternatively, if you can afford it, have a portrait of you painted in your most gorgeous maternity outfit.

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