Modern Media: An Exploitation Of Young, Impressionable Minds?

As technology continues to advance, our kids become more and more exposed to modern communication methods, so much so that hardly a school student nowadays can get by without the use of a cell phone. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, influences are aplenty due to the exposure to modern media.

Kids today depend on the media and technology for practically everything from their communication needs to information and knowledge. Modern media trends have also introduced lots of machines, portable or hand-held devices and gadgets such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks.

An open doorway, but to where?
One thing about smartphones and all other internet-friendly devices is that they place the goings-on of the world, both the good and the bad, in the palm of a kid’s hands, so to speak! Any child who is able to read may easily stumble upon websites and material that may contaminate the way they think or act, such as pornography, violence, profanity, etc. Studies have shown that certain groups of kids are prone to act out violently/ aggressively because of media influences.

The media’s effects on kids are not to be under-estimated. It is capable of influencing young minds like a giant remote control. While it does have its share of pros, parents still need to approach this issue with caution.

As unfortunate as it is, some children fall into the unfortunate category of sexually abused victims or are exposed to domestic violence. Also, you’d be surprised to find that some seemingly calm and normal children are more deeply influenced by what they see and hear on TV than one can imagine. Experts have warned that such kids are akin to ticking timebombs, for there’s no telling which is the straw that will break the camel’s back – or when such kids will be influenced to the point of experimenting on what they learn from the internet.

Watching too much television or even movies on the internet also takes children further away from schoolwork and homework, crippling them academically. Without supervision or proper screenings, violent acts such as rape, torture and murder for instance, and also questionable video games can influence young minds in such ways that may be difficult to reverse. Things become even worse when they’re accompanied with profanity which happens to be on the rise now among young kids.

Children who pass time glued to the television or computer are also at a higher risk of developing obesity, seeing that inactivity is a major factor when slumped in front of the TV or PC.

The adverse effects of advertisements
Kids are often drawn to commercials and most commercials are known to plant seeds of thoughts into impressionable young minds about what they should be buying, using, eating, etc, as opposed to what they might actually need.

They create trends to follow and superficial images to which kids are easily drawn, While the ultimate goals are always to sell their products, the whole thing often leads to young kids yearning to ‘fit into the mould’, so to speak. This may even lead to a severe lack of self-esteem in many young kids and also health problems like bulimia/anorexia.

Modern, fashion magazines are also to blame for their glossy covers and pages showcasing models with so-called “perfect” bodies that teens idolize and work towards, while of course, compromising on health.

Internet use: What can go wrong?
The internet, with all its plus points, has unfortunately also become a haven for criminals who can easily operate and carry out heinous crimes undercover! The famous case of a foreign pediaphile operating in our country is just one such example and there are many more ways things can go horribly wrong, such as via inappropriate exposure to explicit material. The Internet doesn’t have a secure connection to stop porn viewing, therefore kids/teens who unintentionally log online for other purposes, might come across these accidentally and will in most cases, develop an interest to go back to that portal. This in turn can push them into being sexually active at an early age, or end up disrespecting the idea of commitment towards one partner in the future.

On the other hand…
Studies have shown that children who have computers in their rooms, did academically well seeing that the Internet served as a way to keep them interested in assignments, projects and homework. The two main factors to be concerned about here are:

  1. Distraction from friends via social media chatting while using the PC
  2. The temptation to divert one’s attention to Youtube, Facebook, Twitter or worse, forbidden websites!

Close parental monitoring is the key here. While no parent wants to appear like they’re micro-managing their kid, parents do still need to be fully alert of the goings-on at the study table and conduct impromptu checks besides building and keeping good communication going with their children.
Social networking sites may provide teens with a platform to interact with friends and connect with others in a risk-free setting, although that shouldn’t allow Internet time to be so flexible. Screen your kids’ online friends like you would their real-life ones. Television too can be an educational tool if used wisely and when supervised by parents. Educational shows are constantly streaming on the television, where kids and young adults can learn a lot from them.

Children need to be constantly nurtured mentally and spiritually to be kept on the right track. The internet has its good and bad sides, and deprivation may not work in these days and time – in some cases, they may even backfire on both parents and kids.

It’s crucial that parents maintain a good relationship and communication line with their growing kids, keep tabs on their goings-on and check their behaviors when needed.

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