Mommy Mansion Confinement Centre

BEST Confinement Centre (Klang, Selangor)

Ensuring Total Care for New Moms and Their Precious Babies

Quality care during a new mommy’s confinement period can never be over-emphasised. For the third year in a row, Mommy Mansion has surpassed others in its category to emerge the winner as the best Confinement Centre in Klang, Selangor.

With professional services such as traditional postnatal massages, support with breastfeeding, and parenthood guidance, Mommy Mansion also strives to satisfy the needs and wants of every resident here. With cosy, themed rooms, nutritious meals, WiFi service, smart TV box, CCTV monitoring and more, a mommy can rest, rejuvenate and be more confident to embark on the journey ahead with her precious newborn. Doctor visits and 24-hour nurse care add to the sense of well-being for mommy and her newborn baby.

Mommy Mansion spares no effort in ensuring that each new mommy in their care can enjoy their stay. Moms can join specially curated activities or perhaps spend some quiet time alone. Mommy Mansion always has something catered for every new mommy. This award-winning confinement centre is always said to be where good vibes and great services are found by new moms. Likewise, all the comforts offered likens it to a ‘Home away from home’!


Mommy Mansion全心全意宠爱妈咪·守护新生宝宝

经历十月怀胎的辛苦后,每一位孕妈咪都值得享受女王般的坐月服务!作为巴生市首屈一指高规格的精品月子中心,Mommy Mansion 月子中心给予妈咪和新生宝宝最完整的照护,并凭借在月子服务领域的突出表现,从众多入围品牌中脱颖而出,连续3年蝉联“雪兰莪·巴生最佳月子中心”大奖。

Mommy Mansion 月子中心多年来全心全意来满足孕妈咪对坐月子的所有需求和渴望,不仅提供高规格的专业产后护理照顾,更是安排了专业水准的传统产后按摩服务、哺乳辅助和育儿指导等服务。Mommy Mansion 月子中心拥有一群资深专业医护团队,每周定期安排专科医生上门看诊,专业医护人员全天候24小时守护妈咪和宝宝的健康。此外,Mommy Mansion 精心打造各种不同主题的舒适套房,专人烹煮营养均衡的坐月子养身膳食,并提供各种便利设施,如:WiFi无线网络、智能电视播放器、闭路电视监控等,丰富妈咪们的坐月子生活,同时让产后妈咪好好修养,尽早恢复满满元气,更有信心带着宝宝展开人生新旅程。

Mommy Mansion给予每一位产后妈咪无微不至的专业高规格月子调理,让妈咪犹如女王般享受一趟难得的月子假期;每周不定时举办各种活动,让妈咪们可以一起交流放松心情,也可以选择自己享受一段安静的独处时光。Mommy Mansion 为巴生获奖无数的精品月子中心,以专业暖心的照护服务深受产后妈咪们的好评,给妈咪们最舒适的修养空间,提供完善的母婴照护,让产后妈咪们宛如回家般的舒适自在。 | |

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