No More Battles During Changing Time!

Babies are such bundles of joy, aren’t they? That is, until, they start to develop their own little opinions – one of which being that lying still while having their diapers or clothes changes just isn’t their thing anymore. And so begins the diaper table wars!

When the diaper-changing time comes, parents either have an easy time or they don’t. Many parents have to put up with a whole lot of fussing and squirming just to put on fresh diapers for their little ones. Things get pretty stressful at times, not to mention messy. There are, however, ways to handle this without losing your cool, and here are some of them.

Distraction works, but you’ll have to know the art of it before you can keep using this trick. Try keeping a basket of interesting, colourful toys in a basket nearby the changing table (Make sure you can access this basket without leaving your baby unattended at the table. Ensure too that the toys here are exclusive in a sense that your baby only gets to see and touch them during changing times at the table. Basic things like wooden spoons and empty boxes work just fine too, as long as they seem to hold his attention. For some babies, this trick only works with things that don’t seem like toys — things they don’t usually get to play with. You can even let the baby choose a toy to play with during changing times. Also, change or rotate the toys in this basket often enough for the baby not to lose interest.

Get baby involved
As babies get older and the toys trick stop working their charm, try getting baby involved by giving him some ‘duties’ during diaper changing times. Let him choose the diaper, or pull out wipes or hand you items like clothing, etc. In addition to giving the baby something to focus on, it may work as a prep for potty training.

You can even try keeping a bottle of lotion on the table. Squeeze a drop onto your baby’s hand and let him rub his hands together – some babies find it entertaining!

Objects aren’t the only things that can be distracting — you can be too. “Make funny faces, dance, clap, pretend to drop something and say “oh-oh!” – anything that’ll entertain him should work.

Here are one-trick babies may find entertaining too: Jokingly ‘threaten’ to put a diaper on your head… and do it! It’ll be hilarious enough to catch his attention and make him stop flailing.

Make a change in scenery
If the changing table is getting boring, take the changing task somewhere else, such as the floor or on the bed. Not only will your baby have a change in scenery, but you’ll also have the added freedom of being able to change baby anywhere else and not just at one spot in the house.

Try this!
If you need to, try letting baby see what it’s like to be the changer, as opposed to the change. Letting him see his favourite soft toy having a diaper change may help him be more accepting of the diaper changing concept.

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