Nursing Moms: 5 Ways to Keep Your Mood Up

Breastfeeding moms know that they are giving their babies the best in terms of nutrition. However, there will be times when most nursing moms will feel stressed out. This can be due to exhaustion, or even frustration of trying to cope with their newborn baby. At times, these feelings can lead to new moms questioning if their sacrifices are worth it. The answer is, YES, it is all very well worth your efforts, and you are not alone in feeling this way.

Many new moms undergo the same, low down, gut-wrenching moodiness which can sometimes feel like it’s too much to bear. However, there are always ways to deal with these circumstances, and here are a few tried and tested ways to cope.

1. Stay cool and well-hydrated
Dehydration can be the biggest culprit among new moms who are feeling exhausted and confused while trying to cope during the first few weeks at home with their baby. Even a slight level of dehydration can wreak havoc with one’s mood and may even lead to headaches, dizziness and disorientation. So, keep a bottle of water, or any non-caffeinated, sugar-free drink at hand, and take regular sips (every half hour or so) to keep your body hydrated, and your mood up!

2. Avoid being sedentary for too long
The less you move around, the poorer your blood circulation will be. This in itself is a mood wrecker, and it leaves you feeling lifeless, down and out. In fact, did you know that despite doing nothing, you can still end up feeling tired and lifeless due to not having enough exercise? Try some light and easy movements just to move that body about, such as walking, or if you are up to it, some easy yoga moves, to help promote better blood circulation as well as better moods.

3. Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
Foods such as tuna, almonds, peanut butter and fortified eggs contain nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids which have mood-enhancing properties. If you love tuna, try making a tuna sandwich the next time you’re feeling down, and chances are, you’ll be feeling chirpy in no time! Alternatively, you can also try a teaspoon of peanut butter or a handful of almonds. Other mood-enhancing foods nursing moms can try include bananas, blueberries, yogurt, oat cookies, and of course, dark chocolate!

4. Listen to feel-good music
If you have watched the movie The Secret – Law Of Attraction, you would surely remember the advice to listen to your favourite music to switch your mood from bad to good, anytime! Well, we’re here to tell you that there is indeed much truth to it, as music works in wondrously magical ways to alter your mood and make you feel great again. However, do also keep in mind that new moms are in a particularly sensitive period in their lives. Hence, do take care and avoid picking out songs or tunes that have a not-so-great memory attached to them, for that would surely beat the purpose. The best strategy would be to get all your favourite songs into your MP3 player and play them on loop whenever you need a music fix.

5. Breathe, aka Blow out the candles!
If you are into meditation, then it probably goes without saying that you already got this under control, so good on you! However, if you are not into it, then this would be another way to manage those icky moods and bring about better vibes and feelings. Just sit still, close your eyes, and breathe. One tactic that works like a charm is called ‘blowing out the candles’. You simply ask yourself (according to your level of stress), how many candles you would need. Let’s say if the ‘answer’ is three, then take in a deep breath, and breathe out as if you are blowing out a candle. Then, repeat this another two times until all the candles are ‘blown out’. Try it, will you?

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