Spina Bifida: What, How?

You’ve probably heard the term spina bifida before. If pregnancy is part of your plans for the near future, it might be a good idea to learn more about this neural tube birth defect, which occurs when the bones of the spine don’t form properly around part of the baby’s spinal cord. There are three degrees of spina bifida that we know of, and they vary from mild to severe. Read on… Continue reading

Contraception Types And Uses

As beautiful as pregnancy is, not every couple is up for it. Some may choose to remain childless while others may want to plan their pregnancy and have children at a certain time. This is where contraceptives come to play and these may include the use of hormones, devices, or surgery to avoid a pregnancy. Continue reading

Birth Control Throughout The Ages…

The act of preventing conception dates back to thousands of years ago… and with good reason. Think about it — a woman may be fertile right up to the age of forty and unless women generally don’t mind being baby-making machines (and men, fathers to football teams of kids) for the better part of their lives, the desire to control this ability to procreate has and always will be necessary. Continue reading

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