Is This Baby Blues?

The experience of being a new mom is filled with an array of emotions. One minute you’re feeling joy and the next, you may feel down, due to tiredness, concern, worry, etc. It’s perfectly normal to experience these changes of emotions, for they are, for most women, part and parcel of recovering after birthing a baby. Continue reading

Could Your Kid Be Too Smart?

There is a certain sadness attached to learners who face difficulties in the mainstream school environment. What happens when the learner is facing difficulties not due to a deficit but rather due to a surplus of skills? Those children have difficulties too but of a different kind. Read on… Continue reading

Some Things You’ll Realise Only When Your Baby Starts Eating Solid Food

Parenting is a series (let’s make that a never-ending series) of learning curves to get a pass. We’re practically learning as we go, aren’t we? Well, if you’re a parent of a baby who is heading towards weaning, you’re in luck. We’re listing down, ahead of time, a few things you’ll probably run into in the next few weeks or so. We hope some of them will serve you well as a heads up! Continue reading

Right From The Mind

Brain-Based Strategies for Our Kids
Years ago, a parent was concerned about her daughter who wouldn’t stop moving during class time. This little girl had a problem focusing and we did extra multi-tasking exercises with her to help her focus better. She was allowed to move in class, stretched, and skipped during learning. Years later, she’s an accomplished budding junior athlete and a good student who is much better at managing her attention span independently. Continue reading

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