Healthy snacking: Starting them young, with Rafferty’s Garden

Whatever our age is, there are generally two sides to snacking. You either snack healthily, or unhealthily. And more often than not, the kind of ‘snacker’ that you are would depend on your eating habits which you have picked up since you were a little child! Hence, if you are a parent of a baby or toddler, you’d want to take heed of this and start your child early on the road to healthy eating habits! Continue reading


受疫情影响,全马的学校、教育机构纷纷改为网络线上教学为主。许多家长们关心,线上学习的质量是否能像面对面教学一样有效率?目前各类线上教育课程多不胜数,但质量参差不齐,如何帮助孩子选择最合适又有效的学习资源?VIP线上补习班以优质线上课程⑥要素,更有效的教学互动、更生动有趣的课程设计,还有线上奖励,让孩子在线上越学越有趣! Continue reading

1 in 70 Malaysian Babies gets Genetic Defects! Know your baby’s health with Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NiPT)!

Having a child is no easy task nowadays. Whether it is through natural pregnancy or assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, it requires a lot of hard work, perseverance, and often, money. With the skyrocketing cost of raising children, many people can only afford to have ONE child. Inevitably, this will trigger many questions during pregnancy like, “What happens if my child gets Down Syndrome?” “Is there any way to confirm the baby in my womb is healthy?” Continue reading


你知道吗?孩子可以透过心算和珠算课程来激发大脑内在潜力,进而加强他们的基础思维能力,为日后的学习奠定良好的基础!UCMAS珠心算又上榜,连续蝉联获得《2021年度BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》颁发的《最佳儿童珠心算课程》以及《最佳儿童全脑开发教育》殊荣,反映他们在教育路上力臻完美的不懈追求,实属可喜可贺! Continue reading

Now you can do artificial insemination (IUI) at home!!!

Having a baby was supposed to be the most natural thing ever. But, as late marriage, stressful work, poor lifestyle, environmental pollution, and other harmful factors prevail, many people suffer infertility. As a result, natural pregnancy now becomes a privilege for modern people. In order to get pregnant faster, some couples reluctantly gave IVF a try. However, many people didn’t know that IVF has only a 15% success rate. Continue reading


UCMAS珠心算一直以来致力于开拓儿童心算和珠算课程,获得高度认可,此次更在2021年度《BABYTALK 读者精选奖》中蝉联2项荣誉:《最佳儿童全脑开发教育》及《最佳儿童珠心算课程》。全脑教育是一切教育的基础,别让自己的孩子错过了! Continue reading

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