How a Learning Tower from Malaysia Toys Could Benefit Your Child!

If you have a little child, you would surely realise by now how he or she always seems to yearn for involvement in everything everyone else does around the house. In fact, have you managed to accomplish any tasks in the kitchen without your little one asking to be carried, or even asking for stuff from the kitchen counter? It’s easy to conclude that your child is being plain troublesome, when in actual fact, they are just naturally inquisitive and have an innate desire to explore, touch, feel, and learn, all the time! Continue reading


恭喜 BEPEACH 的水蜜桃胶原三肽美肌饮被投选为2021BABYTALK读者精选大奖的『最佳健康保健品』,因为卓越的品质而更被选为马来西亚消费者最满意的健康保健品,集合了12大纯天然主成份,胶原三肽分子比胶原蛋白更小,效果更显著,如今已经成为大马女性逆龄生长的公开“秘密”了,不只养颜,还养身! Continue reading


宝宝的皮肤特别幼嫩,除了要天天洗澡,还要勤抹爽身粉、润肤乳,新手爸妈一定要选择一款最安全的婴儿护肤产品来日夜呵护你对孩子的爱,在这里强力推荐凭实力连续获奖的BZU BZU家庭护理品牌,新手爸妈值得拥有!BZU BZU最近获得了2021年度《BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA 读者精选奖》的“最佳天然婴儿爽身粉奖”以及“最佳天然婴儿沐浴露(敏感性皮肤)奖”。 Continue reading

IGS English: Where Reading and Writing in English Come Naturally!

In learning a language, there has to be input and engagement to ensure that an individual is able to apply what they are learning in order to learn from their mistakes and improve themselves. The effort that has to be expended in learning a language is immense. Language generally consists of three main components: speaking, reading, and writing. Can children be effectively taught to do these? Read on… Continue reading

IGS English: Where Children Love to Learn

In this ever-evolving world, language proficiency can be a massive advantage when you are trying to get around in life. Among all languages in use throughout the world, the English language is one of the most widely spoken globally. The English language has been and continues to be the most spoken language in the world, with over 300 million native speakers and almost a billion speakers that use it as a second language; that totals up to over 1.3 billion speakers. Continue reading

The Value of Children’s Literature

The ability of a child to learn and achieve in school and life is influenced by their early brain development. The quality of a child’s early experiences, whether favourable or unpleasant, has an impact on how their brain grows. Different parts of the brain control different capacities, such as movement, language, and emotion, and they develop at different speeds. Brain development builds on itself, as connections eventually link with each other in more complex ways. Continue reading

What you should know about Malaysia Toys online toy store today!

The current pandemic has changed the way we live our lives so much so that we’re starting to appreciate and reminisce about the little things we used to take for granted, such as the freedom to drive around town with our families, taking our children to the park, going shopping with the family, etc. Many parents are also beginning to worry about the impact this stay at home order is having on their children’s growth and development. Continue reading

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