Rafferty’s Garden Baby Purees: Because babies should love the taste of real food

“Love that it has nothing else in it apart from the fruit & veg!”

When a baby starts eating solid foods, it is definitely an exciting new page in life! This may take place anytime between 4 to 6 months of age, and most of the time, parents tend to start them off with a single pureed food at a time. As their baby gets used to eating, it’s not uncommon to find parents aspiring to introduce and offer all sorts of new variants of foods to their baby, not just to watch as they get their taste buds tickled, but also to provide the nutrients their precious baby needs. Continue reading

Back to School Soon – Should You Be Worried About Heavy School Bags & Scoliosis?

Attributed to Dr Lim Sze Wei, Consultant Orthopaedic, Spine and Trauma Surgeon, ALTY Orthopaedic Hospital

With schools reopening soon, it is time again for children to lug their heavy bags after almost two years of virtual learning. Prior to the pandemic, the topic of heavy school bags has been widely debated and the health issue that is commonly associated with it is scoliosis, a curvature of the spine that is often diagnosed in adolescents. Continue reading

Early Intervention is Beneficial for Autistic Students

People are often surprised when they hear that autism treatment can start as early as 18 months. Autism is a neurodevelopmental illness that causes a variety of social, communicative, and behavioural difficulties. All of these things make it difficult for the child to function and live a regular life. Abnormal genes, toxins, infections, and maternal effects such as stress and malnutrition all contribute to the brain’s failure to grow correctly during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood. Due to these reasons, the brain is unable to develop in terms of growth and maturity.

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Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs

Children with special needs have challenges that interfere with their learning. They require support that goes beyond the norm. There are many forms of special needs such as learning, developmental, behavioural challenges. Moreover, these challenges can differ in their severity or in how much they impair learning. Special education is for kids who experience difficulties or limitations that make it harder for them to study. Students that fit this criterion have requirements that cannot be met in a regular classroom.

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GOO.N Mommy Kiss Premium Diaper is an amazing choice, and here’s why!

Being a new mom is never easy. Babies bring such joy, but who knew that such tiny little human beings could demand so much of your time and effort. But at the end of the day, it’s all totally worth it, isn’t it, Mommies? Speaking of effort, out of all the duties you need to carry out when caring for your baby, the diapering part is definitely the most talked about, and that’s because one mistake in this area and your baby’s skin could end up red and irritated. Now, that’s a heartbreaking situation, really.
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喜讯 | QB Natural Shop喜获《2021年度BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》!

QB Natural Shop天然手工店不仅亲手为每位妈妈与宝宝打造意义深远的母乳纪念品,更首创推出流动的母乳纪念品。有别于大部分固体状的母乳饰品,QB将流动的母乳液体保存在饰品里,原创性独一无二、别出心裁。此外,QB Natural Shop也凭借优质品质及服务质量,脱颖而出,荣获《2021年度BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》所颁发的“流动母乳纪念品奖”。 Continue reading

BZU BZU: Your Baby Deserve The Best

Maternal love – there is nothing quite like it. A mother’s love for her child knows no boundaries, and it is reflected by the way she cares for her child from birth itself. BZU BZU, a family care brand famed for its quality as well as user appeal, highly advocates this special bond.  BZU BZU, which is an award-winning brand, offers gentle yet effective skincare that benefits even the most delicate skin of a new-born baby. Continue reading

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