PRUMy Child Plus
PRUMy Child Plus

PRUMy Child Plus

BEST Child Insurance Plan

Safeguarding Maternal and Child Wellbeing with PRUMy Child Plus

Prudential’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the future of children has been duly recognised as PRUMy Child Plus clinches the prestigious award for the Child Insurance Plan category. In this category brimming with contenders, PRUMy Child Plus emerged as the undisputed leader, resonating with parents across Malaysia with its unparalleled coverage and empathetic approach.

This revolutionary insurance plan epitomises the essence of parental love, acknowledging the profound lengths parents go to ensure the wellbeing of their offspring. From comprehensive prenatal coverage starting as early as 13 weeks of pregnancy to steadfast support throughout a child’s journey up to the age of 100, PRUMy Child Plus stands as a beacon of security and assurance. Notably, its pioneering provision for emergency C-sections before 36 weeks and extensive coverage for congenital conditions which includes 27 specific congenital conditions, as well as all structural congenital conditions and 7 child developmental disorders, underscore Prudential’s foresight and compassion. At the heart of PRUMy Child Plus lies a comprehensive coverage that extends beyond childhood, offering a lifeline for mothers with its provision for nine pregnancy complications. With a lump sum payout of up to RM8,000, this innovative insurance plan ensures that expectant mothers receive the support and financial security they deserve.

In a landscape where parental concerns are paramount, PRUMy Child Plus not only offers financial protection but also embodies Prudential’s ethos of empathy and understanding. This accolade serves as a testament to Prudential’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding the future generations, reaffirming that PRUMy Child Plus is indeed the epitome of what love looks like in the realm of insurance protection for children.


PRUMy Child Plus——保障母亲和孩子的未来福祉

保诚保险(Prudential)一直秉持其承诺,通过 PRUMy Child Plus 保险方案为孩子提供一个真正有保障的未来,并获得了公众的高度认可,在 2024 年蝉联赢得“最佳儿童保险方案”类别奖项。在这个竞争激烈的奖项中,PRUMy Child Plus 保险方案以其独一无二的覆盖范围和深入理解客户需求的优势,成为了无可争议的行业领导者,深受全马各地准父母的竭力推崇。

这项革命性的保险方案充分体现了父母爱的精髓,为确保儿女健康而付出最大的努力。从怀孕 13 周开始,便可为母亲及宝宝提供全方位的产前保障,直到孩子 100 岁,PRUMy Child Plus 保险方案无疑是安全与保障的象征。值得一提的是,此保险方案首创性地提供 36 周前早产紧急剖腹产的保障,并涵盖 27 种先天疾病及所有结构性先天疾病和 7 种孩童发展障碍的全方位保障,彰显了保诚保险的远见和同理心。PRUMy Child Plus 保险方案的核心理念是专为准妈妈和宝宝提供全方位的保障,不仅覆盖儿童时期,还为孕妇提供 9 种妊娠并发症的保障。这项创新的保险方案提供高达 8 千令吉的一次性支付,确保准妈妈在孕期时获得必要的帮助和经济保障。

为了满足新时代父母的需求,PRUMy Child Plus 保险方案不仅提供了财务保障,同时也展现了保诚保险对客户需求的深入理解和同理心。这个奖项证明了保诚保险致力于保护未来一代的不懈努力,再次肯定了 PRUMy Child Plus 确实是儿童保险方案中爱的最佳体现。 | prudentialmalaysia | prudentialmalaysia

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