Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool
Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool

Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool

BEST Leadership Development Programme for Kids

The Making of Tomorrow’s Premium Leadership

Founded as a commitment to function as an incubator for nurturing outstanding future leaders of the world, Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool devotes its efforts fully towards the generation to come, realising that the world needs more dependable leaders for a better tomorrow. Via its outstanding programme, namely the Shambala Kidz Leadership Development Programme (SKLDP), the unique preschool presents 17 leadership elements – communication skills, planning ability, financial management skills, teamwork, speech skills and risk management skills and even science and logic being a few among them.

Through its excellent learning environment, students will also emerge proficient in the basics of English, Bahasa Malaysia as well as Mandarin, equipping them with the extra edge of trilingual abilities, and qualifications for entry into any international or public primary school (SJK) of their choice.

Parents have recognised Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool as the provider of all-round physical and mental development for their children, while societies benefit from the potential of future leaders of high calibre and integrity. Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool looks forward to providing premium leadership development for children and in doing so, ensuring that children of all walks of life get the exposure to early childhood education which will make a great difference to their lives as well as the world.


Shambala Kidz 培养孩子成为新一代的卓越领袖

「Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool 香巴拉幼儿领袖学院」致力成为马来西亚打造未来世界级卓越领袖的孵化器,全力致力栽培下一代,他们深知世界需要更多出色的领袖,共同开创更美好未来。作为马来西亚创新独特的幼儿园,香巴拉幼儿领袖学院开创了创新独特的教育概念,精心设计的香巴拉幼儿领袖培训课程(Shambala Kidz Leadership Development Programme, SKLDP),涵盖17个领袖要素,其中包括沟通技巧、策划能力、财务管理技能、团队合作、演讲技巧、风险管理,甚至科学和逻辑思维等无所不学,助力您的孩子成为未来的领袖!


想让您的孩子在未来成为一名优秀的领袖吗?「Shambala Kidz Leadership Preschool 香巴拉幼儿领袖学院」将助您一臂之力!不仅为孩子们提供领袖培训的优质教育,确保不同背景的孩子们都能获得学前教育的机会,从而为他们的生活和世界创造美好的未来。 | / /

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