Sleepy Dozen: 12 Sleep Solutions For Babies

Trying to get a baby to sleep can sometimes wear you down, especially if you’ve had a long day. While we’re pretty sure you have some tricks of your own up your sleeve, here are a dozen more ideas to make a baby’s bedtime easier for both the little one and you.

Avoid eye contact
Nary a mom or dad can resist gazing into a tiny pair of adorable eyes, but the fact is, eye contact is one of the most stimulating things for a baby, and that’s the last thing he or she needs when it’s time to get some shut-eye. So, resist you must when you’re trying to get the little one to sleep. The same applies when you’re trying to calm down a baby who wakes up crying.

Keep the crib empty
Keep your baby’s crib free from blankets, bumpers and stuffed animals, which can be hazardous and may add to the odds of suffocation or choking. A fitted sheet on the crib mattress is all a baby needs for some restful sleep. If your baby sleeps in an air-conditioned room and cold temperature is an issue, try a baby sleep bag instead of a loose blanket.

Habits are formed through routines and babies pick up fast through repetition! Hence, consistent nighttime routines can help your baby understand that it’s time to sleep. Choose a soothing ritual, such as a bath before bedtime, a lullaby, etc, and stick with it, for consistency is key.

Your loving touch
Sometimes, all it takes is a warm touch of mommy or daddy to soothe a little one back into dreamland, especially when the baby is transferred into the crib from elsewhere. So, try putting your hand gently on the baby’s stomach, arms, or head till the little one goes back to sleep.

Decide on an ideal time for bed
Later to bed hardly ever means later to rise when it comes to a baby’s sleeping time.

Setting an established beddy-bye time is important, and many experts believe that between 6:30 and 7 p.m. is an appropriate bedtime for most babies under a year old, but you’ll also have to mind your work schedule and your little one’s need to spend time with you. While early to bed does not necessarily mean early to rise, a good night’s sleep though often results in later wake-up times and a more rested baby.

Comfortable sleepwear
What could be more adorable than a baby in cute jammies? However, nothing can quite compare to a sleepy baby’s restlessness due to uncomfortable clothing either! Ensure your baby’s sleepwear is made from good quality material that does not cause itches or rashes. Your best bet is, of course, sleepwear made from 100% organic cotton. It may be a little pricy, but it’s one of those things that’s worth paying more for.

Heed those cues
Look for cues that indicate that your baby is getting tired and don’t wait till frustration sets in. At the first cues – yawning, rubbing eyes, etc, try picking the little one up and do whatever it is you do as a bedtime routine. Experts believe that waiting till the baby is completely worn out and tired may keep him or her from self-soothing.

Lights out!
Forget the nightlights! To help your baby understand about bedtime, keep his or her room suitably dark and use dark curtains or blackout shades to simulate nighttime during the day. When it’s time to wake up, whether in the morning or after a nap, open the curtains and let light in to help baby understand the difference. Soon, your baby will be able to fall asleep in any dark, quiet room.

Let baby have naps
Contrary to what it seems, a baby’s nap time does not merely serve as an opportunity for mom to get a quick shower, check e-mails, or return phone calls. Naps are also important to your baby’s mental and physical growth. No matter what the situation with your little one’s sleep habits, resist omitting naps in hopes that it will result in a long night’s sleep, as that rarely works. You might be faced with a very tired and cranky child.

Put on some white noise
Silence, especially when it comes to a baby sleeping, is not golden! In utero, babies are used to constant sounds, like a mom’s beating heart and her gurgling tummy, so a bit of noise will be soothing for babies! Some babies sleep easier with a white noise machine or a fan.

Night-time diapering
Babies tend to wake up when their diapers are being changed and many have problems going back to sleep. Still, dirty diapers need to be changed, right?

This is a tricky one, for, on one hand, you want your baby to sleep through and on the other hand, you don’t want the little one to be all pickled in pee, or worse, poop throughout the night! While a diaper soiled with poop needs to be changed for hygiene reasons, wet diapers need not be changed too often or at throughout the night if you can help it, especially if the baby does not have a rash problem. To ensure that baby’s skin remains protected, use a good barrier cream during baby’s last diaper change before the little one turns in for the night.

Sing to me, mama!
Singing is an excellent way to help calm your baby and reassure him or her of your presence. The sound of a parent’s voice is one of the most effective ways to relax a baby and yes, you’ll get to show off your vocal prowess too!

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