The brightest future begins right here, right now

When we speak of early education, how early do you think we mean? You may be surprised that a baby can start learning before he’s even born – yes, there’s an excellent reason why some pregnant moms let the baby in their belly listen to recordings such as classical music! That brings a whole new meaning to early childhood learning. In any case, parents must agree that what happens during early childhood may affect a person’s entire life. Positive experiences during the early formative years help build a better foundation for a child’s future success.

Even when a baby is still a fetus, he’ll begin to develop all his physical features, organs, and senses. It was also predetermined as to which of his two parents he’d take after in his physical appearances, talents, and unfortunately, even illnesses! These have all come to play while growing up, as picks up new things that makes him the individual who he is, on the way.

During the delicate formative years, it’s important that children are exposed to various stimuli which will provide them with the best opportunities for learning and growth during a period when their minds are most ready to absorb new information.

Domains of development
Children are eager learners and they pick up things really quickly! In their own respective paces, they all go through an identifiable sequence of physical, cognitive, emotional and social growth as they interact with the people around them and their environment, and master new skills and talents.

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