The Trouble With Sensitive Skin… And How To Deal With It

It’s troublesome to have to deal with sensitive skin on yourself if you have it but imagine if you had to watch your child suffer the discomforts of this annoying condition. Regardless if you’re familiar with sensitive skin or not, it’s always good to know how to handle it with care so that your child can have a better quality of life.

Symptoms of sensitive skin:

  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Tingling
  • Tightness
  • Dryness
  • Stinging

Whichever symptom(s) your child has, appropriate care and attention will help keep their skin feeling soothed and comforted.

Trace the source
You’ll have to know what’s triggering the sensitivity, and only then can you address the problem. There may be a number of things around and any of them could be the culprit, including heat, bath soaps, laundry detergents, pet dander, dust mites, certain fabrics, and cigarette smoke. The first step is to identify and avoid anything that might be irritating.

Choose a fabric with care
Fabric in this regard could mean any fabric at all that comes to contact with your child’s skin – clothing, bed sheets, blankets, etc. Choose items made of fabric that are soft and comfortable, such as fine-weaves or natural materials like cotton (instead of wool or nylon). Tip: Clothing tags have been the cause of rashes and redness at the back of the neck in many children. Cut them out from all your child’s clothing to minimise the risks of rashes and reddening.

If dry skin is an issue for your child, try an appropriate skin moisturising lotion (one specifically designed for children’s dry skin). An organic body lotion for babies/children may be helpful, for it does away with all the usual additions and chemicals present in many other lotions, thus minimising the chances of your child’s skin acting up. The best time to apply the lotion it is just after bathing, when your child’s skin is still damp, to help lock in moisture. Pat skin dry with a towel (never rub) before applying the lotion. If your child is active and sweaty, try choosing one that is non-comedogenic, which means the product tends not to clog pores.

Laundry care
Choose a laundry detergent free of colors and fragrances, which can irritate the skin. Avoid antistatic products or fabric softeners, which often contain chemicals and fragrances, as well. Since liquid detergents sometimes rinse out easier than powder detergents do, they may be a better choice for sensitive skin. You may find that sticking with a baby detergent, designed for the most sensitive of skin, is the best option for your child.

Gently does it
You’ll also want to take care when washing your child’s body. Use warm, not hot water, and gentle soap, bubble bath, or shampoo, also free of chemicals and fragrances. If possible, limit the number of baths and showers from every day to 3 to 4 times a week to avoid stripping your child’s skin of its natural oils.

Before buying, test it
Before trying a new product, be sure to test a bit of it on the inside of your child’s wrist or arm. If a rash appears, or if your child’s skin feels itchy, hot, dry, or like it’s burning (even after a few days of use with no problems), stop using the product. Ask your doctor for advice if needed, especially if the product has caused discomfort to your child’s skin.

Tackle that itch
Many kids with asthma, hay fever, or other allergies are more likely to have eczema, a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry, or cracked. Sometimes a moisturizing cream is all you need to treat the condition, but if this doesn’t do the trick, you may need to see your child’s doctor or dermatologist. The doctor may prescribe an antihistamine or a topical corticosteroid.

Try to keep your child from scratching (keep his nails short), and instead gently pat the itch with his fingertips.

Screen off the sun’s ray
Look for SPF (sun protection factor) numbers on the labels of sunscreens (selecting an SPF of 30 or higher) to protect your child’s skin. But if your child has sensitive skin, you should also look for products with the active ingredient titanium dioxide. Also, don’t use sunscreens with PABA, which can cause skin allergies.

Editor’s pick
We like the BabyOrganix Hydrating Cream Bath as well as Nature’s First Aid. The Cream Bath is known for its deep-hydrating properties as it gently cleanses troubled skin. It is calming and soothing, with lavender to nurture and moisturise sensitive skin. The brand’s famous Nature’s First Aid (not pictured here) with antioxidant-rich Calendula Oil is a natural, plant-based cream that protects cells from environmental damage, leaving skin radiant and supple. Babyorganix is known for its zero-chemical content and is compatible with sensitive skin. Its prized formulation nourishes, soothes, and softens dry, cracked, or irritated skin quickly.

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