Things You Want To Ask Your OB-GYN But Are Too Shy To

Pregnancy is wonderful but it can also be riddled with loads of questions as your body undergoes change after change. Here are some things you might be wondering about but are too shy to ask your OB-GYN.

Will my vagina be stretched out after childbirth?
Certainly not! While women’s vaginas are made to stretch to accommodate childbirth, they will also contract back to its normal size, owing to their muscle memory. You can help those muscles out by means of Kegel exercises to strengthen and tone them. You’ll clench that area as if you were holding back a stream of urine, then release. Do these exercises in sets of 10, four to five times daily during pregnancy and postpartum.

Have I gained too much weight?
While many women would rather not ask, for they rather not know if they’ve put on more weight than they’re supposed to, it is best to know. Your pregnancy weight is an important aspect of both your health and the baby’s and you’ll need to know if changes in your diet or lifestyle are necessary.

Is all this discharge normal during pregnancy?
Yes, because a pregnant woman’s hormones are known to fluctuate and produce more discharge as a result. You might also notice a steady increase in discharge as your pregnancy progresses, so do keep those panty liners handy. However, your discharge should not cause pain, burning sensations, or itches. Neither should it be too watery or foul-smelling. If it is, you may have an infection, or your water may have broken, so inform your doctor at once.

Why do I have bad gas and indigestion while pregnant?
This may be one of the more uncomfortable things to endure during pregnancy, but rest assured, you’re not alone! The hormonal changes in pregnancy decrease the efficiency of your gastrointestinal system, making it a little more difficult to control the passing of gas. The same hormonal changes are also the causes of nausea, aka morning sickness, and bloating. As many as 85% of women experience these symptoms in early pregnancy and some of these may even graduate into acid reflux and indigestion. Talk to your doctor if they become a problem for you.

Will I experience incontinence after giving birth?
While incontinence is not exactly how one will put it, bladder control does tend to decrease after pregnancy and childbirth. As you near your due date, you may notice bladder control becoming more tenuous, but the condition should reverse within six weeks to three months after birth. Kegel exercises help in this area too. If incontinence becomes an ongoing problem way after giving birth, bring it up with your doctor to find out what can be done about it.

Sex seems more painful after giving birth. Is this normal?
Other than the trauma of childbirth itself, which may cause sex to be painful for some time, hormonal changes may also be the cause, for it affects natural lubrication, which in turn leads to uncomfortable sex. For the time being, for as long as needed, use a good lubricant during intercourse. Your body should be able to adjust back for more comfortable sex in due time, but if it does not, speak to your doctor about it.

Could I go into labour and not realise it?
Many women may not notice when their water breaks, especially if it’s a little trickle. Some may even mistake it for leaked urine. If you are in doubt, call your doctor. However, when it comes to contractions during active labor, there will be no way you’ll not know. After all, there’s a reason why it’s called labour!

Will I have a bowel movement while giving birth?
It’s high time pregnant women realised that childbirth is not a public performance, so there is no need to worry about pooping during the pushing phase of labor. To answer that question, however, yes, it can happen if your bowel is full. That’s because the rectum is underneath the uterus and when you push, you put pressure on that area. Still, do keep in mind that the people in the delivery room are there to support and help you and that medical professionals are cognizant of people’s dignity and privacy.

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