Wekie Arithmetic

BEST Child Brain Development Programme

Building Sharper Skills and Better Confidence

Countless parents whose kids were struggling with calculation, had poor concentration, poor memory and were generally careless have found their solution with Wekie Arithmetic. Established in 2014, Wekie Arithmetic uses a story-telling teaching method and unique approaches to make sure no child gets left behind in building their soft skills and unfolding their hidden talents.

Sharpening children’s arithmetic skills via mental arithmetic as well as proper use of abacus has given Wekie Arithmetic its renowned name today, whereby more than 2,500 students have benefitted so far, being able to calculate quicker and more efficiently. Additionally, children emerge as keener listeners with better concentration and longer attention span, having sharper memories, and increased problem solving and logical thinking skills. Wekie Arithmetic also aims to instill better character in young children while helping them build their confidence.

Wekie Arithmetic offers a host of mental arithmetic courses and lots of fun, beneficial activities. There are also engaging and worthwhile workshops which children enjoy. Their educators are led by internationally certified trainers who are recognised in the Mental Arithmetic and Child Development industries and are skilled in ensuring that each child can learn at their own pace and still thrive. Wekie Arithmetic has been a top choice with their students been awarded with more than 250 champions, competing in the Mental Arithmetic National and International competitions.



孩子的运算不好、上课注意力不集中、记忆力差、粗心大意……让无数的家长伤透脑筋!「Wekie Arithmetic 玮奇珠心算」为家长找到了解决方案。成立于 2014 年的「玮奇珠心算」,运用独创有趣的教学法,通过老师讲故事的方式,培育孩子的软技能,发掘孩子的潜在天赋,确保每个未来的国家栋梁都能创造更美好人生。

在「玮奇珠心算」导师团队的用心指导之下,运用算盘和心算方式,让孩子在珠心算方面飞速进步,为其赢得了良好的口碑,收获众多家长的热烈好评!不仅让超过 2,500 位孩子获益良多,教会他们能够以更快的速度进行计算;通过珠心算训练,孩子成为更敏锐的倾听者,专注力更集中、更持久,打造更锋利记忆力,解决问题和逻辑思维能力也得到了极大提升。不仅仅如此,「玮奇珠心算」的品牌核心宗旨在于培养孩子们“说好话、做好事、存好心”的良好品德,同时帮助他们建立坚定的自信心。

「玮奇珠心算」不仅提供各个级别的珠心算课程,也会经常举办各种趣味益智活动,包括孩子们最喜欢的假期生活营和线上游戏,使教学更有趣、生动。「玮奇珠心算」导师团队由国际与世界级认证的教练所带领,拥有丰富的珠心算知识和教学经验,在心算和儿童全脑开发领域广受赞赏,并确保每个学生都能按照自己的节奏学习并茁壮成长。「玮奇珠心算」就是新生代取得成功的秘密武器,至今已成功在 8 年内带领学生们获得超过 250 个冠军!在导师团队的支持和引领之下,您的孩子也能在未来大放异彩,不仅在国内比赛中表现出色,同样在国际舞台上将赢得无数的荣誉!

www.wekie.edu.my | www.facebook.com/wekieeducationgroup | www.instagram.com/wekieeducationgroup

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