When Your Baby Starts Crawling! Safety tips and pointers to keep in mind

Wanting to move about, (and trying their very best to do so!) are natural signs of healthy development in a baby. However, when a once stationary baby begins to crawl about, and keeps wanting to get from point A to point B (and C, and D and E and F!), as a parent, you will naturally be concerned about your little one’s safety! Here’s what you need to know.

Crawling babies are such a joy to watch, yet, they can get into all sorts of mischief. For one, they seem to gravitate towards all the forbidden areas of the house, such as the staircase, the bathroom, the kitchen, and yes, even out the front door! As they are not yet familiar with the laws of cause and effect, they will be prone to knocking over, or pulling/pushing things that are on their way. Worse still, they may even decide to pop hazardous objects which they may find, into their mouth for a taste! As parents, here are the five main points to keep in mind to keep your crawling baby safe at home.

1. Place safety gates at all the necessary places. Identify the places in your home where your baby is not allowed to wander to or into, and cut off their access to these places with good quality safety gates. Do your homework/research before making your purchase, to ensure you get value for your money, and more importantly, some peace of mind!

2. Look out for all sharp corners and edges, cover them! You can use corner guards as well as edge guards meant for baby-proofing homes. These will soften the impact of contact in case your little one happens to knock into your furniture while crawling about, and help to avoid serious injuries.

3. Lock up drawers and cabinets with hazardous materials. While you’re at it, you might also want to take safety measures to ensure that drawers that can’t be locked are made safe for your baby in other ways (which includes moving them to a different location till your little one is a little older and knows better!).

4. All plugs, cords and electrical switches should be out of reach! Babies are somehow drawn to these dangerous objects, and the consequences can be grave. So, cover all outlets with baby-proof caps, and tape down long cords to prevent them from being tugged and pulled by inquisitive little hands.

5. Keep your floors clean, and free from small objects. In fact, make sure there are no small objects accessible to your baby on coffee tables, side tables, armchairs, etc. This action will help to prevent these items from ending up in your little one’s mouth!

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