Easy Family Travel: 7 Pro Tips For Success

Is traveling part of your holiday plans with your children? If so, chances are you may be anticipating some level of stress and anxiety, which is actually quite understandable. Traveling with kids isn’t exactly easy, is it? However, with some clever planning and preparation ahead,you may be able to simplify things and actually enjoy the time spent with your kids while on holiday! Here are some pointers which we hope will be helpful to you.

1. Forget about your daily routine for a while!
When you think of going on a holiday, what comes to mind – relaxation or routine? We’re assuming it’s the former, because quite frankly, holidays are not really holidays if you are still on the same old routine, regardless if it’s your routine or your child’s. So, although we understand how tempting (and easy) it is to just follow your daily habits, practices and schedules, please resist it! Firstly, your kids may already be on holiday mode, looking forward to breaking away from their daily goings-on. Hence, forcing them to stick to these routines may be a killjoy. Of course, certain aspects of your daily routines can be kept, such as bath times, meal times, nap times if your child is still very young and needs them, etc. Other than that, relax and just let your family have fun – and you too! Go with the flow, as they say, and you’ll have a more memorable family holiday.

2. Organise your accommodation
When holidaying with children, don’t take anything for granted. As soon as you arrive at your holiday accommodation, conduct a thorough check of the entire room to ensure that everything’s safe and child-friendly. Baby-proof or child-proof whatever you can, such as power sockets, table corners, windows, etc. We suggest you plan ahead and bring along some baby-proofing supplies, just so you can have some peace of mind while on holiday. If your child is still in diapers, don’t forget to set up a changing station complete with all their diapering needs, to simplify changing times, and save you a ton of mess compared to being caught off guard.

3. Don’t skimp on space (or rather, spaciousness)
As long as your finances will allow it, arrange for a bigger, more comfortable room. Or, better still, assuming you can afford it, get two connecting rooms so that your hubby and you may enjoy a little privacy. We can’t emphasise this any more for the more space you have, the less cramped your family will feel, with ample breathing space for everyone. So, even if you could not manage to book an ideal room, do inform the hotel staff that you would like an upgrade as soon as it’s available.

4. Don’t neglect to bring along some first aid supplies
You kids will want to let loose and run, skip, jump, etc, etc, and have loads of fun while on holiday, hence little boo-boos such as bruises, cuts and scrapes might almost be inevitable. Some antiseptic cream, band-aids, and cotton buds (for medicine application) will come in handy. So will a handful of basic medicines for the unexpected fever, cough and even diarrhea. The last thing you want to do is go searching around for a clinic in a foreign land if your child comes down with a cough.

5. Fun & snacks
With children, when going to places they have never been to before, everything will seem distracting and puzzling. People who look different, strange places, new experiences, while these may sound exciting, and they will eventually be, but initially a child may find them daunting. So, a good supply of your own distractions will help counter them – snacks, coloring books, stickers, etc. But remember to think light though… and small.

6. Bring your own disposables
Not all eateries may be equipped with child-friendly utensils, so it will be a good idea to bring some of your own so that your little one can enjoy his or her meals. There is also a chance that your child might not be ready to use utensils like chopsticks, especially if you are holidaying in China, or Japan. Hence, a few plastic forks and spoons will be really useful. A plastic mug wouldn’t hurt either, for there will be less chances of your child accidentally breaking a glass while enjoying his drink at a restaurant!

7. Entertainment for your spouse and you
When you are on holiday, it is highly unlikely that you would want to go to bed at the same time as your child does, would you? So, don’t forget to bring along your tablet or laptop for a movie or two together, or even a book if that’s what you fancy. Some wine and a toast to your happy family life sounds lovely too, doesn’t it?

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